SGX-STListingRules PN7.2-1 SGX-ST Listing Rules Practice Note 7.2 Monitoring and Querying Queries Regarding Unusual Trading Activity 1.Introduction 1.1 This Practice Note provides information on the role of the SGX Market Surveillance (“Surveillance ”) and Enforcement ("MSE") ...
教育管理 > SGX-ST Listing Rules - Singapore Exchange 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 45阅读文档大小:516.35K2页jiquhe72上传于2016-02-04格式:DOCX 人工智能基础(第2版) x2d;高济 x2d;ai x2d;4 x2d;本 热度: 计算机知识windows系统:开始--运行--命令大全0421050529第一期 ...
Currently, all brokers are required under Chapter 8A of the SGX-ST Rules to provide a system for investors making a short sell order to mark their orders as a short sell order. Investors making a short sell order are expected to indicate this to their broker. ...
The SGX-ST Rules will be amended to require members to register with SGX-ST their chief executive officer (“CEO”) or equivalent, instead of their executive director, as the person responsible for ensuring the members’ compliance with the SGX-ST Rules. This is because...
TradingSGX-ST Rules Clearing / settlementCDP Clearing RulesCDP Settlement Rules DepositoryCDP Rules Derivatives Listing / TradingFutures Trading Rules ArbitrationSIAC DT Arbitration Rules ClearingSGX-DC Clearing Rules ArbitrationSIAC DC Arbitration Rules ...
where a director or substantial shareholder has a material interest in a transaction entered into by the issuer.104 Suitability for listing depends on many factors. Applicants should appreciate that compliance with the Exchange's listing rules may not in itself ensure an applicant’s suitability for...
SGX-ST Listings Disciplinary Committee reprimands Aspen (Group) Holdings Limited, its Group CEO, Dato’ Murly Manokharan, and its Executive Directors, Dato’ Seri Nazir Ariff Bin Mushir Ariff and Ir. Anilarasu Amaranazan Public Reprimand: Breaches of Listing Rules 1. The SGX-ST Listings ...
2.2 SGX-ST reserves the right to suspend the Service for such period as it deems fit, if a fair and orderly market cannot be maintained by providing the Service or SGX-ST is required to do so by law or under the rules and regulations governing an exchange or any directive, ruling or ...
SGX-ST Listing Manual SGX-ST Listing Manual Section B: Rules of Catalist Amendments –Effective 10 August 2012 Amendments to align with equivalent rules on the Main Board
On 11 July 2019, Singapore Exchange Regulation (“SGX RegCo”) announced changes to the voluntary delisting regime for issuers listed on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). Under the SGX-ST Listing Rules (Mainboard) and the SGX-ST Listing Rules (Cat...