Singapore Exchange At SGX Group, we simplify Asia for you Navigate the complexities of Asia with confidence, on a trusted platform that offers unrivalled access across multi-assets. Find out more Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence Building thriving marketplaces that stand the test of time....
SGX Group’s climate transition plan demonstrates our commitments, efforts and actions to support the transition to a low-carbon and resilient future. Building upon the analysis of climate-related risks and opportunities using the TCFD framework, our strategy and actions include decarbonisation of ...
SGX Group offers the world’s investors unrivalled access to Asia across asset classes – Commodities, Equity Derivatives, Fixed Income, FX, Indices and Securities. We are expanding our global partner network as one trusted ecosystem, anchored in Singapore. ...
CEO of Singapore Exchange Message from SGX Cares Bull Charge Chairperson "Our five adopted beneficiaries - Autism Association (Singapore), AWWA Ltd, Fei Yue Community Services, HCSA Community Services and Shared Services for Charities, are always at the heart of our commitment to bring together the...
iShares MSCI Asia Ex Japan Climate Action ETF, the landmark climate action ETF spearheaded by SGX Group and BlackRock. Find out more Introducing SGX MSCI Climate Action Index Futures Offer exposure to sector-diversified equity portfolios, bridging the transition finance gap into action. ...
SGX Group is Asia’s most international, multi-asset exchange, providing listing, trading, clearing, settlement, depository, data and index services, with about 40% of listed companies and over 80% of listed bonds originating outside of Singapore. We are the world's most liquid international ma...
新加坡交易所(SGX Group,下称“新交所集团”)很高兴地迎来永安国际金融(新加坡)有限公司(Yongan International Financial (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.)成为新交所最新的衍生品清算会员。永安国际金融(新加坡)有限公司是在香港注册成立的新永安国际金融控股公司的新加坡
新加坡证券交易所(Singapore Exchange Limited,SGX)新加坡证券交易所(英文:Singapore Exchange Limited 缩写:SGX 简称:新交所),是亚洲仅次于东京、香港、首尔和上海的第五大交易所,亚洲的主要金融中心之一。1999年12月1日,新加坡证券交易所(SES)与新加坡国际金融交易所(SIMEX)合并,成立了新加坡交易所(...
新加坡交易所(SGX Group,下称“新交所集团”)很高兴地迎来中信里昂新加坡有限公司(CLSA Singapore,下称“中信里昂新加坡”)成为新交所衍生品市场交易会员。中信里昂新加坡目前是新交所证券市场的交易和清算会员。 中信里昂为全球企业和机构客户提供企业融资和资本市场咨询、资产管理、财富管理和证券服务。该公司总部位于中...