你要有时间,就自己去CDP中央信托公司开户;要没时间,就找经纪人公司的经纪人(这话真拗口)代理开户。开完CDP Security Account 只代表你的股票交易的钱有个去处,与此同时,你还要去经纪人那里开通交易帐号(Trading account)。还记得经纪人制度不,你是不能直接去SGX市场交...
Please login to your account. Forgotten Your Password?Forgotten your Login User ID? Create an Account System Requirements Please contact support@knowledgeplatform.com for any queries. For a step by step guide to the online module, pleaseclick here ...
Manage your CDP Securities Account, appointment and other CDP services here, including access to your portfolio and CDP Forms.
All CDP account holders: Rights Applications Submission hours:Monday to Friday : 8.00am to 9.00pm and Saturday : 8.00am to 1.00pm (Singapore Time). Please click on Security Name and log in to proceed with the submission. Security Name Type Election Start Election End ParticularsAcrophyte Hospita...
CDP为每一个投资人(就是你)开设一个CDP Security Account。其中Security 在金融上的解释就是任何可以交易的金融资产,你不要钻牛角尖,这里就理解为CDP股票账户。那么问题来了,为毛我的股票账户要由CDP管理呢?这主要因为新加坡证券交易市场实行经纪人制度(Broker),你要买新加坡股票一定要通过经纪人在开市的时候扯破...
At SGX, we have implemented measures to safeguard the confidentiality of your account information and to provide a high standard of security for online services over the Internet. However, to ensure that your online security and account information are not compromised, we recommend that you adopt ...
and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position...
The framework also takes into account market practice and rules on SPACs in the United States (“US”), which is the most popular and established SPAC market. In so doing, SGX’s framework offers a credible alternative to US SPACs, while balancing the need to protect investors....
The SGX-listed securities you invest in onSyfe Tradeare held through a sub-account that is created for you.Syfe works with a SGX approved broker to execute its SGX-listed trades, our broker is also a CDP-approved depository agent and maintains these sub-accounts with CDP on behalf of each...
When subscribing to Intel® SGX and Intel® TDX Services, it is highly recommended to register a special account utilizing a public distribution list. The email address utilized for registration will be the single point of contact for any notifications, including updates, new features, availabilit...