As the region’s most international and trusted exchange, SGX believes that economic growth and sustainability are inter-dependent. Reshaping this sustainable future requires the ecosystem to work in partnership. SGX Future in Reshaping Sustainability Together (FIRST) is our platform that facilitates coll...
The Straits Times Index (STI) is a market capitalisation weighted index that tracks the performance of the top 30 companies listed on SGX. 11.65 (+0.29%) 3月24日3月25日3月26日390039504000 查看详情 截至于 2025年3月26日中午11点52分 iEdge-UOB APAC Yield Focus Green REIT Index [SGD] (NTR...
SGX Investor Portal is a one-stop and mobile-friendly portal, housing CDP Internet and educational tools, that supports individual investors in their investment decisions.
Building a career with SGX Search by Keyword Search by Location We create value and grow together We facilitate the exchange of capital and ideas to create value for people, businesses and economies. A career with SGX places you at the epicentre of this exchange. Join us in shaping the futur...
SGX Group is Asia’s most international, multi-asset exchange, providing listing, trading, clearing, settlement, depository, data and index services, with about 40% of listed companies and over 80% of listed bonds originating outside of Singapore. We are the world's most liquid international ma...
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