SGS expands seed quarantine testing services in Brazil No company profile. More# Business Magazine # 2024 Latin America Focus Sponsor: Language: English Publication Date:Aug. 31, 2024Contact us Leave a message SKYPE ME Statement Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection...
11ሆ13න݀քڼ6894ࡽ݆ସLjᇎSGS DO BRASIL LTDA (SGS әဇ) ANATELණ ኤೠࠚऐࠓ)OCD, Designated Certification Body)ڦጨዊăәဇණኤೠࠚऐࠓ)OCD)Lj ࢇ݆ׯ૬ڦरຍऐࠓLjᆯ ANATEL ྿ྂ ۉܔ႑ׂႜ...
1. The app is suitable for product SGS 2. It send security instructions via SMS 3. It's convenient to realize the remote arm/disarm by this app
QiiQ is SGS solution for remote inspection. It enables two or more SGS staff, or SGS staff and SGS clients to be remotely connected through voice, video strea…
1. The app is suitable for product SGS 2. It send security instructions via SMS 3. It's convenient to realize the remote arm/disarm by this app