We’re an integrated, full-service firm. That means that every step, every decision, and every action we take is part of a proven, deliberate, and data-driven process. We use an exhaustive approach in everything we do, developing client strategies that are grounded in data and unmatched po...
• GSP.04NonconformanceandCorrectiveAction不符合项 AMINORNONCONFORMITYisraisedintheeventthattheclientismisusingaCertificationMarkoranaccreditationmarkbutnotmakingmisrepresentationsregardingtheircertification.轻微不符合项:在客户错用认证标志或认可机构标志,但不构成对其认证有失实陈述的情况下开出 •AMAJORNON...
2、使用SGS认证标志和相关认可标志,须符合SGS认证标志使用规则和认可机构的相关要求。 Clear understanding of such requirements are essential to ensure your information communicated with the client is correct. 对这些要求的清晰理解,能确保您与客户的沟通信息是准确的,According to GSP, auditors shall review the...
A cost effective access to global food safety and regulatory compliance experts to be fully integrated within client’s process and our platform, in a way that your workforce becomes on-demand only when you need it. Auto Compliance Check & Labeling Data Effortlessly assess ingredient compliance usi...
client's in-house procedure. - Be alert to any violations, staying vigilant when dealing with factory management, and recording all your findings in detailedbossreports, to be delivered to the client. - Approach your job with utmost integrity, as your conduct during an audit can have lasting ...
两种通信模型:一种是 client/server 的通信 , 即每个 client 只和 server 通信,由 server 来负责数据的处理和转发 . 另外一种是 channel 机制 ( 类似一对多的广播 ),channel 由 server 创建并维护 , 每个 channel 可以添加多个client,server可以监听 channel 中的所有通信或者具体某个 client 的通信 . 也可以给...
• GSP.04NonconformanceandCorrectiveAction不符合项 AMINORNONCONFORMITYisraisedintheeventthattheclientismisusingaCertificationMarkoranaccreditationmarkbutnotmakingmisrepresentationsregardingtheircertification.轻微不符合项:在客户错用认证标志或认可机构标志,但不构成对其认证有失实陈述的情况下开出 •AMAJORNON...