AuditSummaryReport 管理体系认证审核总结报告 Organization: 公司名称 XiamenXinchengyeIndustry&TradeCo.,Ltd.厦门市欣成业工贸有限公司 Address: 公司地址 IndustryBuilding,1Group,Dianqian,HuliDistrict,XiamenCity,FujianProvince,P.R.China中国福建省厦门市湖里区殿前一组工业厂房 ...
photo wereceived, for the photo after executive summary,put the test related pictures. •5. Report distribution, followthe normal procedure. •6. Partial testing is NOTallowed. •7. Input the “SealingTape Number”on after typeof test "product audit" in report. OverallRating ReportOverall ...
SGS offers a wide range of services to ensure products comply with relevant standards for electrical and electronic products. They provide consulting, training, product development, testing, audit and inspection services to ensure compliance with strict global regulations, demonstrating the safety and qual...
状况(适用时) Certificate logo use (except initial audit) 认证证书标志使用(初次认证除外) 1300 B 产品生产过程(注塑、生产) Continue继续 1415 A+B Communication audit result with top management (if necessary) 与高层沟通审核结果(必要时) 1430 A+B Audit team summary and preparation of summary report....
Summary and preparing report.总结和准备报告 17:00-17:30 All Close meeting末次会议 / Notes to Client:客户注意: Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit. 审核计划的时间为预估安排,将在开始现场审核前的首次会议中确认。
Audit against customised criteria 根据定制化标准审核 Sustainability Report Assurance 可持续发展报告验证 Automotive Customised Audit Solutions 汽车行业定制化解决方案 Assessment services against Equator Principles 赤道原则评估服务 Gap assessment against any management systems standard ...
RE-17. 98 Report from Internal Audit Coordinator to Minister of Finance dated 28 January 2003, Ex. RE-18. 99 See First Musalem Statement at paras. 32-34. 34 services SGS was providing. For example, in response to a 30 July 1998 request by Customs, SGS provided a full report showing...
2.11Policy to ensure freedom of association / labor union 保障⾃由结社 / ⼯会的政策 2.12Records of selection of workers' representatives 员⼯代表选举记录 2.13Union-management meetings minutes ⼯会和管理层会议记录 Supplier Guiding Principles Audit (Human resources)可⼝可乐公司供应商指导原则...