伽马射线能量束 - 中子星SGR 1806-20释放的脉冲束 “手电筒”:艺术家描述出中子星SGR 1806-20释放伽马射线“耀斑”这种能量束可穿越太空导致数千颗人造卫星出现故障,使地球顶端大气层电离化。据美国宇航局称,这种独特的伽马射线束非常强烈,比满月更加明亮,甚至比迄今太阳系外勘测的任何天体都明亮。这一令人...
这次事件也是史上所见到最亮的太阳系外天体爆炸事件。 SGR 1806-20 磁场线 SGR 1806-20位于射电星云G10.0-0.3的核心,并且是一个以其命名的开放星团的成员,它本身是W31的组成部分,W31是银河系中最大的H II区域之一。星团1806-20由一些非常不寻常的恒星组成,包括至少两颗富含碳的Wolf-Rayet恒星(WC9d和WCL),两...
SGR 1806-20是一颗位于人马座的磁星,也是已知的软γ射线复现源之一。距离地球大约5万光年,直径不超过20公里,自转周期为7.5秒。这颗磁星曾在约5万年前发生爆炸,于2004年12月27日爆发后产生的辐射抵达地球。这场爆炸的伽玛射线比满月还要亮,绝对星等约为负29等,是地球观测到的所有日外爆炸事件中...
On 27 December last year, SGR1806–20, a soft γ-ray repeater in Sagittarius, released a giant flare that has been called the brightest explosion ever recorded. SGRs are X-ray stars that sporadically emit low-energy γ-ray bursts. They are thought to be
The soft gamma‐ray repeater SGR 1806–20 has been attracting a lot of attention owing to the fact that in December 2004 it emitted the most powerful giant flare ever observed. Here we present the results of the firstSuzakuobservation of SGR 1806–20, that seems to have reached a state ch...
On 27th December 2004 SGR1806–20, one of the most active Soft γ -ray Repeaters (SGRs), displayed an extremely rare event, also known as giant flare, during which up to 10 47 ergs were released in the ∼1–1000keV range in less than 1s. Before and after the giant flare we ...
1806–20: Long Term Variability in the pre-Giant Flare Epoch 1 S. Mereghetti, A. Tiengo 1 , P. Esposito 1 , D. G¨otz INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Sezione di Milano “G.Occhialini”, v. Bassini 15, I-20133 Milano, Italy ...