Sgpt and sgot is very high 507 Views Sgpt -241,sgot-81,bilirubin (tatall) 0.57,alkaline phosphates -72.. Sgpt n sgot is very high.My 7+ weeks ... Read More High sgpt nd sgot 493 Views My 7 weeks + ivf pregnancy running. My sgot sgpt...
High SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) levels suggest possible liver damage. Consult a healthcare professional urgently for proper evaluation and guidance. Shaik nayeemullah Nov 20, 2023 at 3:59 PM.Reply what are the normal range of sgpt in blood sample If it is increases in what level can...
51 yrs old Female asked about How to reduce sgot and sgpt levels., 17 doctors answered this and 2692 people found it useful. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult
Normal SGOT levels for most adults range from 0 to 35 units per liter.But even if your SGOT level is normal, you may still need more tests, particularly if you are being tested for hepatitis C, which can sometimes show a normal SGOT level. High SGOT Levels While even an SGOT that is ...
Growing male SD rats were fed a high-fat diet (20% fat) for 13 weeks, divided into 2 groups (with and without azoxymethane (AOM)). Dietary corn oil showed the lowest serum SGOT and SGPT (p < 0.05) both in the AOM and Non-AOM groups. Beef tallow diet caused the highest level of...
Nowacki P E.The influence of exhaustive efforts at high altitude(2 040 m) on serum enzymes (CPK,CPKat, LDH , SGOT , SGPT) in well trained ath- letes[M]//Metabolic to Prolonged Physical Exercise, Birhauser Verleg Basel,1973:78-83....
Multiple regression analysis showed that the survival rate of the cases was more among the cases with a high serum SGPT. The findings of this study reflect the usefulness of serum SGPT in the management of OP pesticide poisoning and a good prognostic indicator of survival.Dr. Avijit Saha...
SGPT, and SGOT are not significantly different from those of the control in the administration of microparticles ethyl acetate fraction of mangosteen extract at a single dose of 2 and 3 g/kgBW, however, significant increases of BUN and SGOT levels were found in single dose of 5 g/kgBW. Th...
High Sgpt and Uric acid 1269 Views I have high Sgpt and i am taking medicine like Cirrosam400 for 2 months Obeticholic acid 10 mg for 2 mon ... Read More SGPT and sgot high 185 Views My husband is 38 year old recovering from covid and he is diabetic, blood report shows bil...
My SGPT Value is 52 and SGOT value is 24. Is SGPT is high ? or it is in normal range. Asked for Male, 25 Years 9470 Views Dr. Vijay Yerroju General Practitioner | Hyderabad 1/4 people found this helpful It is a bit on higher side . The levels are not alarming. Any other ...