at, you can use the below. Make sure to use the latest version(pip install --upgrade git+ Note that this will produce slightlyworse scores than SGPT Sentence Transformers, as the special ...
(pip install --upgrade git+ Note that this will produce slightlyworse scores than SGPT Sentence Transformers, as the special brackets may get intermingled with other tokens upon tokenization. On SciFact (BEIR) NDCG@10 of the belowdecreases...
【SGPT:功能强大的命令行界面工具,允许用户直接从终端与OpenAI模型进行无缝交互】'SGPT - a command-line tool that provides a convenient way to interact with OpenAI models, enabling users to run queries, generate shell commands and produce code directly from the terminal.' GitHub:
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Results from the Paper Edit Ranked #1 on Information Retrieval on CQADupStack Get a GitHub badge TaskDatasetModelMetric NameMetric ValueGlobal RankResultBenchmark Argument Retrieval ArguAna (BEIR) SGPT-CE-6.1B nDCG@10 0.286 # 5 Compare Argument Retrieval ArguAna (BEIR) SGPT-BE-5.8B nDCG...