xaxis display = (noticks)/*不显示刻度线*/ label = "VISIT"; yaxis display = (noticks) grid/*添加Y轴上的网格线*/ values = (0 to 1 by 0.1) label = "x10(*ESC*){unicode '2079'x}/L"; run; 结果如下: 3.3 修改线条属性 使用SERIES语句中的LINEATTRS=选项更改线条粗细和图案(pattern),...
I tried to format the values of the xaxis from numeric to scientific notation, because I thought that might be an explanation why the tick intervals of 5000 don't work. It would be sufficient to have just minor ticks without notation.Every format I could find here ( https://documentation...
**Createband plotusingSGPLOT**;procsgplotdata=stocks;band x=datelower=0upper=close/legendlabel="Close";band x=datelower=0upper=low/legendlabel="Low";band x=datelower=0upper=high/legendlabel="High";band x=datelower=0upper=open/legendlabel="Open";xaxis label='Date' values=("01DEC04"d t...
**Createband plotusingGPLOT**;goptions reset=alldevice=ACTXIMG hsize=6.5invsize=4incolors=(brown green orange blue)ftext=arial ftitle=arial;legend1 frame;symbol1 interpol=join;pattern1value=MS;axis1 style=1color=black width=1order=(0to500by50)minor=none label=none;axis2 style=1color=blac...
title 'Product Sales by Country'; proc sgplot data=sashelp.prdsale noborder; format actual dollar8.0; vbar country / response=actual group=product displaybaseline=auto barwidth=0.6 seglabel datalabel dataskin=pressed; xaxis display=(noline noticks nolabel); yaxis display=(noline noticks ...
_Exception_B,3 Tot_Number_Exception_C,10 Tot_Number_Exception_D,1 Tot_Number_Exception_E,1 ; run; proc sgplot data=WORK.plot_graph; vbar Exception /response=tot_pcnt group=Exception ; yaxis grid values=(0 to 12 by 2) display=(nolabel); xaxis display=(nolabel) display=(noticks); ...
_Exception_B,3 Tot_Number_Exception_C,10 Tot_Number_Exception_D,1 Tot_Number_Exception_E,1 ; run; proc sgplot data=WORK.plot_graph; vbar Exception /response=tot_pcnt group=Exception ; yaxis grid values=(0 to 12 by 2) display=(nolabel); xaxis display=(nolabel) display=(noticks); ...
_Exception_B,3 Tot_Number_Exception_C,10 Tot_Number_Exception_D,1 Tot_Number_Exception_E,1 ; run; proc sgplot data=WORK.plot_graph; vbar Exception /response=tot_pcnt group=Exception ; yaxis grid values=(0 to 12 by 2) display=(nolabel); xaxis display=(nolabel) display=(noticks); ...
I am wondering if there is any other possible way to display the values on the X axis in mutiline mode? Thanks! proc sgplot data = Ind_stat; xaxis type = discrete label = "ind" fitpolicy = staggerrotate display = (noticks); yaxis label = "# of Customers";vba...