(gender='F','M','F'); output; end; end; drop n repl; run; proc sql; create table counts as select * ,sum(count) as total from (select state,gender,count(*) as count from fake group by state,gender) group by state order by total ; quit; proc sgplot data=counts; vbarparm ...
此外,直条也可以做镜面直条图。不必通过GTL编程,只需要借助proc sgplot的hbarparm,vbarparm以及formart技巧。 4. 直条线图 直条图还经常和线图组合成直条线图。此时,可以设置第二y轴,再加一条vline语句画线图。 5. 散点图 考察两个变量的关系,做相关和回归前的探查,都可以用scatter语句来描绘散点图。欲分...
VBARPARM CATEGORY= category-variable RESPONSE=numeric-variable</option(s)>; WATERFALL CATEGORY= category-variable RESPONSE=numeric-variable</option(s)>;
(gender='F','M','F'); output; end; end; drop n repl; run; proc sql; create table counts as select * ,sum(count) as total from (select state,gender,count(*) as count from fake group by state,gender) group by state order by total ; quit; proc sgplot data=counts; vbarparm ...
age then lag=0; mean=lag+per/2; lag=per; run; proc sgplot data=want; vbarparm category=age response=per/group=sex GROUPDISPLAY=stack; scatter x=age y=mean / markerchar=sum; run; You want this one ? 0 Likes Anita_n Pyrite | Level 9 Re: sgplot: using data response and ...
proc sql; create table want as select age,sex,sum(weight) as sum,calculated sum/(select sum(weight) from sashelp.class where sex=a.sex) as per format=percent8.2 from sashelp.class as a group by age,sex; quit; proc sgplot data=want; vbarparm category=age response=per/group=sex...
2; run; /* Create bar chart */ ods graphics / height=400 width=1300; proc sgplot data=have; vbarparm category=OBS_DATE response=Indirect_Cost_Perc / colormodel=(CXF2575F CXCAD5E5) colorresponse=sign; yaxis label="Indirect Cost%"; xaxis label="Observation Date" inter...
proc sgplot data=merged; vbarparm category=&TIME_GROUP response=freq_values / group=&COLUMN.binned seglabel ...; series x=&TIME_GROUP_2 y=mean_values; ... run; Let me know if you have any issues with this approach. Thanks! Dan View solution in original post 2 Likes Reply ...
proc sgplot; vbarparm category=subjid response=aval; xaxis values=('001' '002' 003' '004' '005') valuesdisplay=('test1' 'test2' 'test1' 'test1' 'test4'); run; View solution in original post 2 Likes 4 REPLIES PeterClemmensen Tourmaline | Level 20 Re: proc sgplot: xaxis di...
(lightgreen lightred lightblue); panelby period /columns=3 novarname noborder; vbarparm category=visit response=SumDosis / group=drug grouporder=data datalabel groupdisplay=stack; text x=visit y=pos text=glabel / group=drug TEXTATTRS=(Color=black Family="Arial" Size=8 Weight...