ScatterPlot X=Height Y=Weight / subpixel=off primary=true LegendLabel="Weight" NAME="SCATTER"; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; 您可以使用DATA步骤编辑此模板并将其提交给SAS。下面的语句添加了一个PROC TEMPLATE语句,将模板名称从sgplot更改为by,并添加动态变量和ANNOTATE语句。 data _null_; infile 'tm...
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c; by sex; run; data anno1; retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100; label = 'Students'; output; run; proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 1. 2. 3. 4...
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c; by sex; run; data anno1; retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100; label = 'Students'; output; run; proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 1. 2. 3. 4...
SAS中的proc sgplot过程步提供了强大的绘图功能,下面介绍的是使用proc sgplot绘制折线图的常用方法以及该过程步的常用options。 废话不多说,先看一段代码。 data OrigData(keep=x y); /* the original data */ set Sashelp.Cars; rename weight=x mpg_city=y; /* scatter plot variables are X and Y *...
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c;by sex;run;data anno1;retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100;label = 'Students'; output;run;proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; ...
procsgplotdata=sashelp.class;scatter x=height y=weight;ellipse x=height y=weight;run; 3. 绘图类型 ( Plot Type )
procsortdata=sashelp.class out=c;by sex;run;data anno1;retain x120 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100;label= 'Students'; output;run;proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; ...;scatter x=subsidiary y=stores/group=region;whereregionin("Africa","Asia","Canada");run; GPLOT:;plot stores*subsidiary=region;whereregionin("Africa","Asia","Canada");run; SAS/GRAPH 的 options,如: ...
1 proc sgplot data=mysas.mmstwo;2 scatter x=wangnei y=wangjian/group=city;3 run;还可以加上xaxis and yaxis 选项 其参数有label type values.
Proc sgplot是SAS(Statistical Analysis System)统计分析软件中用于创建各种统计图形的过程(Procedure)。它提供了丰富的图形选项,可以用于可视化数据的分布、关系和趋势等。 在使用Proc sgplot覆盖group by趋势上的平均趋势时,可以先通过group by语句将数据按照某个变量进行分组,然后使用Proc sgplot创建图形,以展示每个组...