SGM利用SGM-Net所估计的惩罚参数P1和P2进行视差估计。SGM-Net在每一个代价聚集方向上利用图像块与对应位置进行迭代训练。 如图1所示,整体分为两个阶段,即训练阶段与测试阶段,在训练阶段中SGM-Net通过最小化“路径代价”与“邻域代价”迭代训练,以期为每一个像素提供和。在测试阶段中,SGM利用SGM-Net估计的与进行视...
SGM-Nets: Semi-global matching with neural networks Akihito Seki1∗ Marc Pollefeys2,3 1Toshiba Corporation 2ETH Zu¨rich 3Microsoft, Abstract This paper deals with deep neural networks for predict- ing accurate dense disparity map with ...
转载自:缩写SGM)是一种用于计算双目视觉中disparity的半全局匹配算法。在OpenCV中的实现为semi-globalblockmatching(SGBM)。 SGBM的思路是:通过选取每个像素点的disparity,组成一个disparity map ...
SGM-Nets:Semi-globalmatchingwithneuralnetworks AkihitoSeki 1∗ MarcPollefeys 2,3 1 ToshibaCorporation 2 ETHZ¨urich 3 Microsoft, Abstract Thispaperdealswithdeepneuralnetworksforpredict- ingaccuratedensedisparitymapwithSemi-globalmatch- ing(SGM).SGMi...
We propose a learning based penalties estimation method, which we call SGM-Nets that consist of Convolutional Neural Networks. A small image patch and its position are input into SGMNets to predict the penalties for the 3D object structures. In order to train the networks, we introduce a ...