Their use has tremendously increased due to their favorable profile but they are also the focus of attention because of their side effect of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (euDKA), which is challenging to diagnose because of its rarity and normal or mildly elevated blood glucose levels. SGLT2i...
使用 SGLT2i 时发生 DKA 的患者症状不典型,血糖通常不超过 13.9 mmol/L,为非高血糖性 DKA,也称血糖正常的酮症酸中毒(euDKA)。 有Meta 分析检索了 PubMed 和 EMBASE 数据库 2010 年 1 月至 2020 年 8 月的病例报告和临床试验中接...
The new information comes on the heels ofa reviewinto the risk of euglycemic DKA associated with SGLT2-inhibitor use launched by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) last week. The EMA has reported 101 cases of DKA worldwide in patients with type 2 diabetes. And in May, the US Food and D...
Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (EuDKA) secondary to Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a rare but increasingly reported phenomenon. Not much is known about the burden of EuDKA in patients on SGLT2i or the associated factors. This retrosp...
SGLT2i可能会引起血酮升高,轻度血酮升高是SGLT2i可能的心肾保护机制之一,但需关注DKA发生风险。值得注意的是,SGLT2i治疗中发生的DKA约70%为血糖正常型酮症酸中毒(euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis,euDKA)。SGLT2i增加尿糖排泄降低血糖,胰岛素分泌减少和胰高血糖素分泌增加;特别是在并发疾病和(或)代谢应激(如手术、...
其中非高 血糖性酮症酸中毒( Euglycemicdiabetesketoacido~ 收稿日期:2017-10-23 作者单位:1 四川大学华西医院药剂科?成都 610041?2 四川 大学华西药学院?成都 610041 基金项目:四川省软科学研究计划项目(2014ZR0088) ?通信作者 DOI:10. 14053 / j. cnki. ppcr. 201805024 sis?euDKA) 引起了专家们的广泛关注...
Genital mycotic infections associated with SGLT2 inhibitor use are typically mild, and uncomplicated infections can be treated with oral or topical antifungals.69,70 SGLT2 inhibitors have been associated with an increased risk of euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).71,72 An observational study of ...
Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, integral in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) management, are not without risks, with reported adverse effects including euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis (EDKA). We present a case of a 75-year-old female with T2DM on canagliflozin, who developed...
SGLT2 inhibitors are rarely associated with euglycemic DKA resulting in a US Food and Drug Administration warning in 2015. The frequency of DKA reported in CVOTs in patients with T2DM receiving SGLT2 inhibitors was low,2, 3, 4, 5 but occurred in 4% to 6% of patients with type 1 DM.85...