1) SG-DBR laser SG-DBR激光器1. Wavelength auto-measurement and control system for SG-DBR lasers; SG-DBR激光器波长自动测试控制系统2) DBR laser DBR激光器3) DBR fiber laser DBR光纤激光器 1. The details are described as follows:(1) Development and the classification of fiber lasers and...
George et al., "High-Speed Concatenation of Frequency Ramps Using Sampled Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser DiodeD. Derickson, M. Bernacil, A. DeKelaita, B. Maher, S. O'Connor, M. Sysak, and L. Johanssen, "SGDBR single- chip wavelength tunable lasers for swept source OCT," in...
Keywords:SGDBRlaser;automaticwavelengthcontrol;wavelengthscanni ng 0引言 取样光栅分布布拉格反射器(SGDBR)型激光 器作为可调谐半导体激光器的代表,具有体积小,结 构简单,波长调谐范围宽和动态特性好等优势口]. SGDBR型激光器由增益节,相位节和前,后取样光 ...
SOASG-DBR laserFEMDTMMThermal wavelength driftIn this paper, we developed a temperature-dependent thermal-optical model of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) integrated in sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SG-DBR) laser module by extending our pervious works. By numerically solving the...
6) laser diode(LD) 半导体激光器(LD) 1. Based on the modulation property of a laser diode(LD)and high optical spectrum resolving power of Fabry-Perot Interferometer(FPI),a method to simulate wind velocity with simple equipment is discussed. 利用半导体激光器(LD)的调制特性和法布里-帕罗干涉仪...
An open loop controller for use with a sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SGDBR) laser is presented. The controller for provides separate inputs to the laser including a front mirror current controlling a front mirror and a back mirror current controlling a back mirror to control, as ...
超立方 Laser Cavities 激光器附件Geola ECS002167 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥32.40万/台 北京 超立方 标准JDS单相He-Ne激光器 Edmund ECS001409 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥1.20万/件 北京 超立方 公制空间滤波器 激光器附件Edmund ECS001538 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看...
A wavelength tunable DBR laser integrated with an electro-absorption modulator by a combined method of SAG and QWI [J]. Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, 2005, 26(11): 2 053-2 056. [4] Zhang Jing , Lu Yu. An integratable distributed Bragg reflector laser by low-energy ion implantation ...
超立方 Laser Cavities 激光器附件Geola ECS002167 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥32.40万/台 北京 超立方 标准JDS单相He-Ne激光器 Edmund ECS001409 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥9999.00/个 北京 SBS压缩高能量皮秒泵浦Nd:YAG激光器 北京波威科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 面议 天津 俄罗斯...
(SGDBR)laserisatypicalandimportantphotonicin- tegrateddevice,andhaspotentialwideapplicationtoagileopticalnetworks.Anewdynamicmodelfor thisdevicehasbeendeveloped,whichcombinesthetraveling-wavemethodfortheactiveregionand thetransfer-matrixmethodforthepassivesectionsintoasingleprocedure.Thebehaviorsofwave- lengthswitchingof...