Repro: torchdynamo.config.fake_tensor_propagation = False input = torch.ones([10, 10]) model = torch.nn.Sequential(*[torch.nn.Linear(10, 10) for _ in range(2)]) opt_model = torchdynamo.optimize("eager")(model) opt_model(input).sum().back...
We currently support the following platforms: asan, dynamo, inductor, linux, mac, macos, rocm, slow, win, windows. How to re-enable a test To re-enable the test globally, close the issue. To re-enable a test for only a subset of platforms, remove the platforms from the list in the...
英语翻译: amain 分词翻译: 全的英语翻译: complete; entirely; full; whole【医】 pan-; pant-; panto- 力的英语翻译: all one's best; force; power; puissance; strength【化】 force【医】 dynamo-; ergo-; force; potency; potentia; Power; stheno-; strength; vis 地的英语翻译: background; gro...
We currently support the following platforms: asan, dynamo, inductor, linux, mac, macos, rocm, slow, win, windows. How to re-enable a test To re-enable the test globally, close the issue. To re-enable a test for only a subset of platforms, remove the platforms from the list in the...
We currently support the following platforms: asan, dynamo, inductor, linux, mac, macos, rocm, slow, win, windows. How to re-enable a test To re-enable the test globally, close the issue. To re-enable a test for only a subset of platforms, remove the platforms from the list in the...
We currently support the following platforms: asan, dynamo, inductor, linux, mac, macos, rocm, slow, win, windows. How to re-enable a test To re-enable the test globally, close the issue. To re-enable a test for only a subset of platforms, remove the platforms from the list in the...