Linewidth of SG-DBR laser and its effect on DPSK transmission[J] . Kai Shi,Frank Smyth,Prince M. Anandarajah,Douglas Reid,Yonglin Yu,Liam P. Barry.Optics Communications . 2010 (24)K. Shi , F. Smyth , P. M. Anadarajah , D. Reid , Y. Yu and L. P. Barry "Linewidth of SG...
Wavelength auto-measurement and control system for SG-DBR lasers; SG-DBR激光器波长自动测试控制系统2) DBR laser DBR激光器3) DBR fiber laser DBR光纤激光器 1. The details are described as follows:(1) Development and the classification of fiber lasers and design principle of DBR fiber laser...
SG-DBR laserFEMDTMMThermal wavelength driftIn this paper, we developed a temperature-dependent thermal-optical model of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) integrated in sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SG-DBR) laser module by extending our pervious works. By numerically solving the ...
超立方 Laser Cavities 激光器附件Geola ECS002167 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥32.40万/台 北京 超立方 标准JDS单相He-Ne激光器 Edmund ECS001409 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥1.20万/件 北京 超立方 公制空间滤波器 激光器附件Edmund ECS001538 北京超立方科技有限公司 2年 查看...
al. applied this method to the modeling of SGDBR laser, but their work was only limited to the static wavelength- tuning performances [12] . Transfer-matrix method (TMM), as an alternative model, seems very suitable for these complex and ...
Tuneable sources for DWDM applications based on semiconductor laser diodes will not be viable until the cost and time involved in characterisation decreases. The SG-DBR laser has the potential for such applications however it is a complex multi-section device. Each WDM channel requires a set of ...
Fabrication of Butt-Coupled SGDBR Laser Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Having a Lateral Tapered Waveguide We have demonstrated a high-power widely tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SGDBR) laser integrated monolithically with a semiconductor o... HO Su,H Ko,KS Kim,....
A Tunable Laser Cavity Sensor (TLCS) is being developed for on-chip molecular diagnostics. Two frequency-tunable SGDBR (sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector) lasers — a sensor-laser and a reference-laser — are used to detect minute changes in refractive index resulting from specific ...
sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector (SG-DBR)tunable laserWe propose a simple and quick linewidth calibration method for tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector lasers. Only the voltage across the gain section is measured, which allows the operation point with either highest sidemode ...
This paper will present our work involved with utilizing the strengths (table 1) of this SGDBR laser class and mitigating the weaknesses (table 2) of this device for swept-wavelength imaging applications. The strengths of the laser are its small size (portable solutions), wide wavelength ...