工作模式 AP、Client 工作模式 传输距离 100m(实际传输距离视环境而定) 智能化 集成DTU功能 支持TCP、UDP 透明传输模式、TCP Server 模式 支持 Modbus RTU 转 Modbus TCP 网桥, 支持DCUDP、DCTCP 模式 网络管理 QOS管理 支持带宽限制,IP 限速 配置方式 支持telnet、web、ssh 和 console 配置方式 升级方式 支持web...
微信服务号 client@oschina.cn 企业版在线使用:400-606-0201 专业版私有部署: 13670252304 13352947997 开放原子开源基金会 合作代码托管平台 违法和不良信息举报中心 粤ICP备12009483号 简体 / 繁體 / English 点此查找更多帮助 搜索帮助 Git 命令在线学习 如何在 Gitee 导入 GitHub 仓库 Git 仓库基础操作...
Process Process-1: router init state: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/sglang/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sglang/srt/managers/router/manager.py", line 68, in start_router_process model_client = ModelRpcClient(server_args, port_args) ^^^ File "/home/user/sglan...
importopenaiclient=openai.Client(base_url="",api_key="EMPTY")# Text completionresponse=client.completions.create(model="default",prompt="The capital of France is",temperature=0,max_tokens=32, )print(response)# Chat completionresponse=client.chat.completions.create(model...
If you are not a Maybank Kim Eng client yet, visit maybank-ke.com.sg to open an account today or email helpdesk@maybank-ke.com.sg and a Trading Representative will contact you shortly. 新内容 2024年10月27日 版本1.4.3 1. App icon refresh ...
Place stock transactions in client login and add your favourite stocks in your watchlist About iFAST Corp: Incorporated in 2000, iFAST Corp (stock code: AIY) is a leading wealth management fintech platform in Singapore and has been listed on the SGX Mainboard since December 2014. iFAST Corp ...
- Share the calculation with your client via email (ensure that you have an email account set up locally on your device) Rental Yield - Calculated based on property's rental income (monthly rent), rental expenses (monthly mortgage, monthly maintenance, agent commission, property tax, other expe...
Het logbestand van de Cisco AnyConnect VPN-client in Windows Event Viewer (Logboeken) op de client-pc: SelecteerStart > Run(Start > Uitvoeren). Voer in: eventvwr.msc /s Klik met de rechtermuisknop op het logboek van deCisco AnyConnect VPN-client en selecteer Save ...
Place stock transactions in client login and add your favourite stocks in your watchlist About iFAST Corp: Incorporated in 2000, iFAST Corp (stock code: AIY) is a leading wealth management fintech platform in Singapore and has been listed on the SGX Mainboard since December 2014. iFAST Corp ...