Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (accordin...
Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (accordin... g ghjfhjgdh 1枚 Havoc 其他 计算机视觉 0 2 2023-04-03 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw.safetensors AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw.safetensors (5312.73M) 下载关于...
from fastai.dataset import * from fastai.sgdr import * from fastai.plots import * ## Specify: DenseNet-101 on 512x512 image data, from Danbooru2017, minibatch=26 (just fits in 2x1080ti), all data augmentations: PATH = "/media/gwern/Data/danbooru2017/data/" ...
七步洗手法数据集:HandWashDataset 有疑问联系 上传者:weixin_32393347时间:2022-07-09 卫生信息数据集元数据规范 卫生信息数据集元数据规范,2009版,适合于his、健康管理。 上传者:hhhaiyang时间:2015-06-17 适用于深度学习下的口罩数据集 适用于深度学习的口罩数据集,xml标注格式,总共850多真人带口罩的标注图片 ...
AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw 别 别走我是你爸爸 CC0 强化学习科技计算机视觉 0 4 2023-01-30 详情 相关项目 评论(0) 创建项目 文件列表 AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw.ckpt AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw.ckpt (7346.78M) 下载 AbyssOrangeMix2_sfw关于AI Studio AI Studio是基于百度深度学习平台飞桨的人工智能学习与实训社区,提供在线编程...
Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (accordin...
Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (accordin... Awesome Deep Vision A curated list of deep learning resources for computer vision, inspired byawesome-phpandawesome-computer-vision. Maintainers -Jiwon Kim,Heesoo Myeong,Myungsub Choi,Jung Kwon Lee We are looking for a maintainer! Let me know ( if interested. ...
Support of GPEN 1024/2048 restoration models (available in the HF dataset ReActorFaceBoost Node - an attempt to improve the quality of swapped faces. The idea is to restore and scale the swapped face (accordin...