数据,SFU金融硕士每届招生55-60人,工作经验在1-3年,学生专业背景包括 Economics, Finance, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Business, Arts, Science。毕达团队表示,从课程设置和实际招生数据来看,该项目偏好数理、工程、经济学和商科背景,要求一定的数学背景,工作经验不是必须的,但是2-3年工...
This website was developed to provide the tools you need to get your ZZZZs. getting-enough-/home.html HEALTH & COUNSELLING SERVICES The Dish: SFU's Nutrition Blog Do you have questions about food and nutrition? The Dish, SFU's Nutrition Blog, is the place for you to have your questions...
2.General Requirements(一般要求) Senior Middle School Graduation Diploma高中毕业证 Submit transcript which includes grades for all courses completed and final grades for first semester of Senior year.成绩单须列明所有完成的课程和成绩,和正在上的课程的第一学期分数。 Based on theChinagrading scale, the...