ftp Connection closed by server with exitcode 127[/code] 系统环境:CentOS5.8 2bit+LNMP 首先进...
实现代码如下: 1.获取一个sftp句柄 import p
commands except "quit"), *after* you left the mysql shell with "quit". So the solution is: Don't start mysql on the command line as system user "root" or let mysql keep it's history whereever it wants (no "MYSQL_HISTFILE=/dev/null" in .profile). It seems that I always played ...
Perhaps you could show the entire command process, including throwing in a couple of -vvv on the command line to get a lot of information. I would suggest, however, that permissions to the directory you are sftp-ing to are invalid. Perhaps you could show your sshd_config settings...
A log from the command with the-vvflag (e.g. output fromrclone -vv copy /tmp remote:tmp) Below is the response from 'operations/list' on storage: "SFTP-Store-xxxxx" using API. { "error": "NewFs: couldn't connect SSH: dial tcp 15.97.xxx.xx:22: socket: too many open files", ...
I did this The SFTP file server is running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64-bit, output from "uname -a" command is: Linux balachbubuntu 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Here is the version o...
You can run this command for log details: sftp -vvvSFTPACCOUNT@SFTPURL.com (for examplesftp -vvvsftpaccount@sftp10.successfactors.com) Keywords SSH key, ssh_exchange_identification , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-FTPE , SFTP 登录错误 , Problem
Try using -vvv on your sftp command outside of NIFi to get more detail on why it is not working: sftp -vvv -i "IdentityFile=/etc/nifi-resources/keys/<private_key.pem>" -oPort=2222 wftpb086@ Matt Reply 14,489 Views 0 Kudos simon_jespersen ...
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However, adding the users to theadministratorsgroup (not an option!) will make this command work. What can be the cause of that? As SFTP is built on top of SSH, this strikes me as odd. What I tried so far Made sure that the users' respective home directories configured in/etc/passwd...