[~ftp]put vrpcfg.zip200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /vrpcfg.zip. / 100% [***] 226 Transfer complete. FTP: 1098 byte(s) sent in 0.131 second(s) 8.38Kbyte(s)/sec. [ftp]binary200 Type set to I. [~ftp]get devicesoft.cc200 Port command okay. ...
通过Windows自带的ftp.execlient,虽然可以连接上作为ftp server的SW,但是报错200 PORT command successful。This looks like a typical problem with the FTP active mode. The server cannot connect back to your machine to establish a data transfer connection. See article onFTP modes and configuring network f...
rm path Delete remote file rmdir path Remove remote directory symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version Show SFTP version !command Execute 'command' in local shell ! Escape to local shell ? Synonym for help SFTP 解释器中预置了常用的命令,但是没有自带的 Bash 来得丰富。 1)显示当前的工...
[~ftp]put vrpcfg.zip200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /vrpcfg.zip. / 100% [***] 226 Transfer complete. FTP: 1098 byte(s) sent in 0.131 second(s) 8.38Kbyte(s)/sec. [ftp]binary200 Type set to I. [~ftp]get devicesoft.cc200 Port command okay. ...
symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version ShowSFTPversion!command Execute'command'inlocal shell!Escape to local shell?Synonymforhelp 3.检查当前工作目录 命令lpwd用于检查Local当前工作目录,而pwd 命令用于检查Remote工作目录。 代码语言:javascript ...
symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version ShowSFTPversion!command Execute'command'inlocal shell!Escape to local shell?Synonymforhelp 3.检查当前工作目录 命令lpwd用于检查Local当前工作目录,而pwd 命令用于检查Remote工作目录。 代码语言:javascript ...
# 从远程服务器拉取文件 get /path/remote_file #上传本地文件到服务器 put local_file # 查看远程服务器目录内容 ls # 查看本地目录内容 lls # 执行本地 Shell 命令 ![command] FTP # 登录 ftp host -p :指定端口 # 下载 get 命令:下载指定文件 mget 命令:下载多个文件 # 上传 put 命令:上传指定...
Now, let’s see how to transfer a file from a remote server to your local machine using thegetcommand. Here’s the basic syntax of thegetcommand: get /RemoteDirectory/filename.txt For example, to copy the file/etc/xinetd.conffrom the remote server to your local machine, you would use...
command Execute 'command' in local shell ! Escape to local shell ? Synonym for help 查看及切换路径 遍历远程文件系统 我们可以使用一些功能类似于 shell 命令的命令来浏览远程系统的文件层次结构。 首先,通过找出我们当前在远程系统上的哪个目录来定位自己 sftp>pwd sftp> pwd Remote working directory: /...
Linux的sftp(Secure File Transfer Protocol)命令是一种用于在本地和远程服务器之间安全传输文件的工具。以下是对sftp命令的详细解析: 1. 连接远程服务器:使用sftp命令连接到远程服务器,语法如下: sftp [user@]host 其中,user是远程服务器的用户名,host是远程服务器的IP地址或域名。连接成功后会提示输入密码。