rm path Delete remote file rmdir path Remove remote directory symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version Show SFTP version !command Execute 'command' in local shell ! Escape to local shell ? Synonym for help SFTP 解释器中预置了常用的命令,但是没有自带的 Bash 来得丰富。 1)显示当前的工...
putlocal-filename[remote-filename] - 删除服务器上文件 removepath 或 deletepath 一次最多可以删除十个文件。 remove与delete执行的效果是一样的。 SFTP客户端命令帮助 help[command-name] - 断开与SFTP服务器的连接。 表7-34断开与SFTP服务器的连接 ...
[-v] -c,--cmd <arg> set configuration file of command describe(default: cmd.conf) -dd,--dest_dir <arg> the sftp/ftp destination directory -df,--dest_filename <arg> the sftp/ftp destination filename -e,--exec <arg> set the execute type,support type is show,check,action -en,--...
rm path Delete remote file rmdir path Remove remote directory symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version Show SFTP version !command Execute 'command' in local shell ! Escape to local shell ? Synonym for help SFTP 解释器中预置了常用的命令,但是没有自带的 Bash 来得丰富。 1)显示当前的工...
getremote-filename[local-filename] - 上传本地文件到远程服务器 putlocal-filename[remote-filename] - 删除服务器上文件 removepath 或 deletepath 一次最多可以删除十个文件。 remove与delete执行的效果是一样的。 SFTP客户端命令帮助 help[command-name] ...
symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version ShowSFTPversion!command Execute'command'inlocal shell!Escape to local shell?Synonymforhelp 3.检查当前工作目录 命令lpwd用于检查Local当前工作目录,而pwd 命令用于检查Remote工作目录。 代码语言:javascript ...
symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file version ShowSFTPversion!command Execute'command'inlocal shell!Escape to local shell?Synonymforhelp 3.检查当前工作目录 命令lpwd用于检查Local当前工作目录,而pwd 命令用于检查Remote工作目录。 代码语言:javascript ...
publicstringtoFile {get{return"WinSCP/psftp.txt"; } } publicvoidupload() { Process CommandLine =newProcess(); CommandLine.StartInfo.FileName = shellName; //CommandLine.StartInfo.Arguments = "/log=" + this._logPath; CommandLine.StartInfo.UseShellExecute =false; ...
After you run the command, you may be prompted to enter a password. # Download a single file to your on-premises computer. scp <Logon username of the Linux ECS instance>@<Public IP address of the Linux ECS instance>:<File path on the Linux ECS instance> <File path on your on-...
public static void exeJavaCommand(String ip, int port, String user, String password, String command){ Connection conn; try { //连接服务器 conn = getSSHConnection(ip, port, user, password); Session openSession = conn.openSession();