Port 443 is normally assigned to https traffic, even severely paranoia IT geeks will leave this port open. Some IT will even intercept TCP port 443 traffic and redirect them to a proxy server, in that case, you may want to try to use Putty as a ssh client and configure the Connections ...
Thanks to John Skiggn of Cingular Wireless in Redmond, Washington for his tweak on domain user /etc/group Test to see if sshd is working, pop a cygwin window (note: the command below is case sensitive) whoami ssh localhost or ssh -vvv localhost or ssh "$USERNAME@" if ssh com...
Thanks to John Skiggn of Cingular Wireless in Redmond, Washington for his tweak on domain user /etc/group Test to see if sshd is working, pop a cygwin window (note: the command below iscase sensitive) whoami ssh localhost or ssh -vvv localhost or ssh "$USERNAME@" if ssh compl...