-b batchfile:从指定的批处理文件中读取命令。 -v:详细模式,显示更多的调试信息。 -P port:指定远程服务器的SSH端口号(注意大写P,与命令格式中的端口号指定方式不同)。5. 示例:如何使用SFTP命令传输文件 上传文件示例 假设你要将本地文件example.txt上传到远程服务器上的/home/user/uploads/目录,并且远程服务器...
可以使用该参数来传递一些SSH相关的参数,如`-o`参数用来指定SSH配置文件,`-i`参数用来指定SSH私钥文件等。 3. `-b`或`–batch-file`:指定一个批处理文件。该文件中包含了一系列的sftp命令,可以实现自动化地执行多个命令。 4. `-C`或`–compression`:启用压缩功能。使用该参数可以在传输文件时启用压缩算法,减...
sftp [-1Cv] [-B buffer_size] [-b batchfile] [-F ssh_config] [-o ssh_option] [-P sftp_server_path] [-R num_requests] [-S program] [-s subsystem | sftp_server] host sftp [[user@]host[:file [file]]] sftp [[user@]host[:dir[/]]] sftp -b batchfile [user@]host DESCRIP...
shellgui-sftp-batchops Example: java -jar ops.jar [-pwden] -e show -n base.node -c cmd.conf java -jar ops.jar [-pwden] -n base.node -sftp upload -s /tmp/source.file -df dest.file -dd /tmp java -jar ops.jar [-pwden] -n base.node -sftp download -s /tmp/file.txt -...
-R模式,默认情况下是整个文件夹,同时也支持设置文件或文件夹过滤器FileListFilter; 该过滤器提供两种方式filename-pattern或者filename-regex属性;例如filename-regex="(subDir|.*1.txt)" 获取subDir下所有以1.txt结尾的文件; 通常,将在local-directory-expression中使用#remoteDirectory变量,以便远程目录结构在本地保留...
zFTP Server is great because of its in-depth security and two-factor authentication. For example, you can set up two-factor authentication so that a user has to be part of an external database in order to access the server. This a welcome addition as it helps to ensure that unauthorized...
PXBatchEnd,3,3.69 - When the transaction count doesn't match in the input file: Output file with error message: hash total in footer is incorrect - When transaction amount total doesn't match in the input file: Output file with error message: transaction count in footer is incorrectPurchase...
Batch Download Mode Q: How to limit number of files downloading from a SFTP server. We want to move thousands of filesper scanbut limit the number of files being processed. For example there are 5000 files to move and the batch size is set to 100. So it moves the first 100 files, ...
gpg2 --yes --output [filename_to_write_plaintext] --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --homedir [path_of_keyrings] --decrypt [filename_of_encrypted_data] <[filename_of_file_containing_password] An example of a batch file to do this would consist of: gpg2 --y --output test_dec.txt --...
–mv remote_file new_path:移动远程文件到另一个路径。 5. 高级选项和配置:sftp 命令还支持一些高级选项和配置: – 批量模式:可以使用 `-b` 选项执行一个包含多个 sftp 命令的脚本文件。例如,`sftp -b batch_file username@hostname`。 – 交互模式:使用 `-i` 选项指定一个私钥文件来进行密钥认证。例如,...