Dans ce contexte, la Société française de rhumatologie (SFR) a souhaité produire des recommandations, pour la pratique, de prise en charge des malades atteints de spondyloarthrite, à partir des recommandations antérieures et des données actualisées de la littérature. 2. Méthodologie L...
Actualisation des recommandations de prise en charge des pneumonies aiguës communautaires chez l’adulte par la Société de pathologie infectieuse de langue française (SPILF) et la Société de pneumologie de langue française (SPLF). Avec le soutien de la Société de réanimation de ...
The article reports that SFR will offer its mobile users in France the option of quadruple play from April 25, 2007. The SFR Happy Zone ADSL offers 20 megabit/second Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), free access to 36 television channels and unlimited Voice over Internet Protocol (...
The impoved combustion and the reduction of smoke formation were achieved with additives having catalytic effect on the combustion reactions.MariaFurtenbachGmbHSiposFurtenbachGmbHMartaFurtenbachGmbHEderFurtenbachGmbHGünterFurtenbachGmbHGiesserei Praxis...
SFR-114 Prospective evaluation of increased gastrojejunal stoma diameter and mechanisms of weight regain after Roux-en-Y gastric bypassdoi:10.1016/j.soard.2011.04.169K.AbuDayyehandPichamolJirapinyoandChristopherC.ThompsonSDOSSurgery for Obesity & Related Diseases...
SFR-118 Surgical management of gastrogastric fistulas in the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patientdoi:10.1016/j.soard.2011.04.173AnujMahajanandScottKleppeandGregoryBarnesandTammySDOSSurgery for Obesity & Related Diseases
The court weighed whether the parliamentary rules under review violated the equal protection clauses of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law, GG), the German constitution.EBSCO_AspJura Juristische Ausbildung
Endoscopic repair of gastro- gastric fistula after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a less-invasive approach. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2010;6:282-8. EL 3, SCR.Fernandez-Esparrach, G., Lautz, D.B. and Thompson, C.C. (2010) Endoscopic repair of gastro- gastric fistula after Roux-en-Y gastric ...