Our FPGA families help you to overcome power, system size, cost, and security challenges across all kinds of applications with our pre-built solutions.
随着FPGA技术越来越多的应用于基础通信设施,数据中心,高性能云计算,支持包含高速串口的IP块价值越来越大。 如表2.6所示,除了更大的面积,最新的FPGA包含更加专用的资源和功能。 下一节我们继续讨论UltraScale+ FPGAs的更多的细节。 现代FPGA架构:UltraScale+ 现代的FPGA架构本质上也是一个器件的二维阵列。从某种意义上...
Intel 的 Stratix 10 FPGA 和 SoC FPGA 采用 Intel Hyperflex FPGA 架构。此器件产品线中的 FPGA 可应对高吞吐量系统的需求,其具有最高 10TFLOPS 的浮点性能,并支持从 28.3 Gbits/s (GX) 到 57.8 Gbits/s 收发器,后者在最多 144 个收发器通道中,能够满足5G通信、云计算、网络虚拟化和光纤传输网络的带宽要...
FPGAs提供了多功能解決方案,通過並行處理和優化數據重組來提高性能,從而加快搜索和檢索速度。例如,利用FPGAs進行磁碟壓縮和糾刪編碼可以減少RAID冗餘,將硬碟從10個減少到6個,從而顯著降低成本。Apache Arrow 和 Pulsar 等工具進一步利用FPGAs來簡化非結構化數據處理,實現對關鍵資訊的快速訪問。 透過提供速度、可擴充性和...
FPGAs,Zynq和ZynqMPSoC器件的特点说明1.1. FPGAs,Zynq和Zynq MPSoC!Zynq是由Xilinx发布的第一个集成PL...
AMD offers a comprehensive multi-node portfolio of FPGAs, providing advanced features, high-performance, and high value for any FPGA design.
FPGAs are especially suited for edge AI in various industrial, medical, test and measurement, aerospace, defense, and automotive applications. They can be deployed in bothAI serversand embedded devices to power a variety of advanced use cases. Using FPGAs in solution designs provides several advan...
Use our FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, and radiation-tolerant FPGAs to satisfy the high-bandwidth connectivity and high-data throughput needs of a variety of applications.
FPGAs are often used for hardware emulation, and an interesting part of the chipset design process is the use of FPGAs to emulate different parts of the SoC in testing. Chipset designers can use multiple FPGAs to prototype an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). A Hardware Descriptio...
Learn how FPGAs, with their lower latency, configurability and power efficiency, have surfaced as the platforms of choice for many modern applications.