对于SFP+模块中的一些低速率管脚包括Tx_Fault、Tx_Disable、RS0/1、Mod_ABS、Rx_LOS在默认状态下都推荐使用4.7K-10K的电阻上拉到VCC,当然如若RS0-1选择较低速率模式,需要通过大于30Kohm的电阻下拉到VeeR。 ESD静电防护特性上SFP+光模块能够满足EN61000-4-2类型的ESD要求,自带ESD静电防护的话,对于做高速电路板...
MOD_ABS引脚一般是在模块的EEPROM内部存储器中定义的一个引脚,用于提供关于模块类型和功能的详细信息。通过读取这个引脚的状态,我们可以获取模块的型号、生产厂商、支持的传输速率等信息,从而可以准确地了解模块的性能和功能。这对于网络通信和数据传输领域的管理和控制是非常重要的。 综上所述,SFP模块的引脚定义在网络...
Mod_ABS is connected to VeeT or VeeR in the SFP+ module. The host may pull this contact up to Vcc_Host with a resistor in the range 4.7 kΩ to10 kΩ.Mod_ABS is asserted “High” when the SFP+ module is physically absent from a host slot. RS0 and RS1 are module inputs and ...
ModuleTek的SFP-10G-SR-x-D11SFP光收发模块基于10G以太网IEEE802.3ae标准和SFF-8431标准,为10G以太网应用提供快速可靠的接口。该产品通过2线串行总线实现数字诊断功能,符合SFF-8472的标准。产品特性 •支持速率:9.83Gb/s至11.3Gb/s •符合IEEE802.3ae10GBASE-SR/SW标准 •符合SFF-8431标准 •热插拔...
The host may pull this contact up to VCC_Host with a resistor in the range 4.7 kΩ to10 kΩ.Mod_ABS is asserted “High” when the SFP+ module is physically absent from a host slot. [5] RS0 and RS1 are module inputs and are pulled low to VeeT with > 30 kΩ resistors in ...
A SFP cage provides in addition to data signals a number of control signals: a Tx_Fault pin, for transmitter fault indication a Tx_Disable pin, for disabling optical output a MOD_Abs pin, to detect the absence of a module an Rx_LOS pin, to denote a receiver loss of signal ...
模块插入检测管脚Mod_Abs,其在XFP光模块硬件接口中对应的管脚编号为12,在SFP+设备硬件接口中对应的管脚编号为6。 5.如权利要求3所述的应用方法,其特征在于,还包括:所述转换是指MCU对XFP光模块与SFP+设备硬件接口中定义相似的管脚,通过MCU上的指定引脚实现二者硬件接口的间接对接,进而实现相应管脚之间数据通信链路的...
6MOD_ABSModule Absent. Grounded within the module3 7RS0No connection required 8LOSLoss of Signal indication. Logic 0 indicates normal operation4 9RS1No connection required1 10VEERReceiver ground (common with transmitter ground)1 11VEERReceiver ground (common with transmitter...
ModuleTek的SFP-10G-T-x-D23是一种小型可热插拔RJ45电口模块,符合万兆以太网标准和SFP多源协议(MSA)标准,支持10G传输速率,使用Cat6a/7类网线传输距离可达30米,同时还向下兼容10/100/1000/2.5G/5GBase-T应用。功耗低(2.3W TYP@10Gbps30m),能兼容各种品牌主机,广泛应用于数据中心和企业网等。符合RoHS2.0...
It incorporates the SFP+ MSA LVTTL Loss of Signal (Rx_LOS), Tx Fault (Tx_FAULT), MOD_ABS and Tx Disable (Tx_DIS) monitor and control functions. The differential AC coupled Tx and Rx data interfaces are CML compatible. 加入询单 Part NumberPackageInterfaceReachTempFiber TypeWavelengthRateTx ...