Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, and Commuter Benefits Program credit cards are accepted. The SFMTA Sales Kiosks are providing the following services: Retrieve paper applications for Community Service and Payment Plan. Application for Enrollment of Low-Income Discount Program...
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, and Commuter Benefits Program credit cards are accepted. The SFMTA Sales Kiosks are providing the following services: Retrieve paper applications for Community Service and Payment Plan. Application for Enrollment of Low-Income Discount Program...
Other payment options: MuniMobile®: The SFMTA’s official ticketing app, MuniMobile lets you buy tickets instantly through a credit/debit card, PayPal account, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Clipper® Card: Clipper is the all-in-one transit card for the Bay Area. Use your Clipper card on ...
Agency staff said the specific enforcement policies they plan to resume in the next few weeks made up 17 percent of all tows in fiscal year 2019. People can expect to pay upwards of $500 if their vehicle is towed, which includes administrative and tow fees. Additional storage fees are appli...
PAYMENT ALTERNATIVES Customers can performcommunity serviceor set up apayment planfor parking and transit violations. A vehicle with five or more delinquent citations may be towed or booted at any time. Community service in lieu of payment and payment plans, for citations and penalties, are not...
International Customers: Please enter "00000" as your billing Zip Code if using an international credit card. If your card provider requires AVS check then you will need to use another form of payment. The MuniMobile app currently does not support account creation and login for international cust...
Plan a Trip Get directions for Sutter-Stockton Garage at 444 Stockton Street San Francisco, CA 94108: Let's go here... Let's leave from here... Garage Details Neighborhoods Chinatown Financial District Downtown / Civic Center Garage Type Pay Station Number of Vehicle Spaces 1865 Garage...
More in this section Muni Advertise on Muni Cable Cars Fares Historic Streetcars How to Ride Muni: The Quick Start Guide Muni Feedback Muni History Muni Hybrid Buses Muni Improvement Plan Muni Lost & Found Muni Metro Light Rail Muni’s Electric Trolley Buses Origins of Muni Forward Traveling ...
Other payment options: MuniMobile®: The SFMTA’s official ticketing app, MuniMobile lets you buy tickets instantly through a credit/debit card, PayPal account, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Clipper® Card: Clipper is the all-in-one transit card for the Bay Area. Use your Clipper card on ...
1. Get Ready: Plan Your Trip Riding Muni can be easy. With a little planning, your trip can be even easier. If you pay your fare using your phone, make sure it is charged. For whatever way you choose to pay, have your fare payment ready when boarding. ...