The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) employs thousands of civil servants in over 200 different job classifications. A variety of employment opportunities exist in parking, traffic and transit operations, trades, maintenance, professional and clerical jobs. The SFMTA hires and promotes...
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) employs thousands of civil servants in over 200 different job classifications. A variety of employment opportunities exist in parking, traffic and transit operations, trades, maintenance, professional and clerical jobs. The SFMTA hires and promote... The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) employs thousands of civil servants in over 200 different job classifications. A variety of employment opportunities exist in parking, traffic and transit operations, maintenance, professional and clerical jobs. The SFMTA hires an...
Employment Information The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) employs thousands of civil servants in over 200 different job classifications. A variety of employment opportunities exist in parking, traffic and transit operations, maintenance, professional and clerical jobs. The SFMTA hires ...
You may not know always know their names or faces, but dedicated employees of the SFMTA are out on the street every day empowering our mission to keep San Francisco on the move. As part of a Good People, Tough Jobs series, we will be highlighting those key SFMTA staff who are crucial ...
San Francisco Paratransit (“SF Paratransit”) is a van and taxi program for people unable to independently use or access public transit because of a disability or disabling health condition. Since 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has required all public transit agencies to provide...
Coursework and jobs before current role: ess’ story: Goldsworthy has worked in the electrical industry for more than 20 years. She got her education through the Inside Wireman Apprenticeship Program offered by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). ...
[issuu:1632400/67413296] San Francisco has grown dramatically since the recession in the last decade. Since 2009, the city has added over 78,000 residents and over 175,000 jobs, outpacing all projections, and now has a population of 883,000 and 720,000 t
Minimizing distances between jobs, housing and services to minimize the need for driving trips Create the demand for, and viability of high quality transit, bicycle and walking opportunities to shift demand from driving These development designs also create new opportunities for private investment to su...
of all demographics—including older adults, people with disabilities and people of color. Over thirty corridors have been planned or implemented as a Slow Street. Slow Streets also provide needed connections to the city’s bicycle network and destinations like local commercial corridors and jobs. ...