SFMTA Customer Service Center ATTN: Citation Review 11 South Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94103 抗辯一經妥收,您的罰單將暫緩執行。審查時間可能長達90天。在您通過美國郵件收到決定書之前,無需採取進一步措施。 注意:如您的車輛是在遭竊後收到停車罰單,您必須在抗辯時提供完整的報案記錄,不可僅提供報...
Parking or Transit Violation Citations must be protested within 21 days from the date the ticket is issued or from the date of the first courtesy notice. Protests will not be considered after that period of time has expired. Do not pay your citation if you wish to protest it. Handwritten ...
(It is not necessary to protest the citation online as the hearing officer will also make a decision on the citation). A photo is NOT required by law to prove a violation occurred. Driveway Tows:A driveway begins where the curb begins to slope downward. If any portion of a vehicle, in...
The citation that is the basis for the tow will be heard as part of the validity of the tow. Do not protest the citation through Administrative Review. Schedule a Phone or Video Hearing OR Submit your Tow Protest in Writing Retrieve Your Vehicle Immediately to Avoid Storage Fees Storage fees...
Citation Type Only the citation types listed above are eligible for a Proof of Correction. Please pay or protest your citation. Information is available atwww.SFMTA.com/PayCitation. Citation Number First Name Last Name Email Upload a photo showing the cited reason has been corrected. E.g. a ...
Contest a Citation Protest Form Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedIn Tuesday, December 5, 2017 輔助文件 Citation Protest Form Formulario de Protesta por Citación 引用抗議表
If you have been cited for placard misuse and/or if your vehicle has been towed related to DP placard misuse, and you would like to protest the citation and/or tow, you may do so in person, by video conference, by phone or by mail. In person placard misuse hearings must be scheduled...
You canprotest your citationonline. Clipper®
these citations will require that a request for a hearing must be filed with the SFMTA within 15 days of the date of the citation in order for the request to be timely. Parties wishing to protest such citations, contact the Hearing Section athearingsgeneral@sfmta.comor call us at 415.646...
Below are instructions on how to pay or protest your Safe Paths of Travel (SPOT) Citation. You may also hear instructions on our SPOT Information Line at 415.701.2452 Payment Options Payment must be made bycheck or money order only. Cash and credit card payments are not accepted. Make chec...