{{Note|A shot's scene camera may share a name with scene cameras in other shots bladed from the same master shot, but it's still a different camera.}} == Setting the scene camera == After loading your map, you have to set the scene camera. '''To set the scene camera:''' # ...
{constIndexT ViewId = itObs->first;constView * v = sfm_data.getViews().at(ViewId).get();if(map_PoseId_Count.count(v->id_pose)) map_PoseId_Count[v->id_pose] +=1;elsemap_PoseId_Count[v->id_pose] =0; } }// If usage count is smaller than the threshold, remove the Posefor...
The input format is a Map_NameKeypoints which is similar to a Python Dict[str,np.ndarray[2,N]], where the keys are image names. To configure the optimization problem, i.e. setting individual keypoints constant, use the KeypointAdjustmentSetup. from pixsfm.keypoint_adjustment import Keypoin...
FeatureMap: Stores a map {keypoint_id->FeaturePatch}. If the data is stored in dense mode, i.e. one large featuremap, the dense patch is stored at features.kDenseId. You can query the data associated to a keypoint via FeatureMap.fpatch(keypoint_id), and it will either return the...
site map - cant find what you are looking for then please use the site map below - main information tomorrow' s fm facilities management industry news & magazine tomorrows fm is your digital facilities management magazine a portal for all the latest abou
The input format is a Map_NameKeypoints which is similar to a Python Dict[str,np.ndarray[2,N]], where the keys are image names. To configure the optimization problem, i.e. setting individual keypoints constant, use the KeypointAdjustmentSetup. from pixsfm.keypoint_adjustment impo...