Rename the BlenderSFM-master folder to blenderSFM. Run Blender as administrator, enable the addon "BlenderSFM" from the User Preferences menu (Ctrl + Alt + U) Select the folder with the JPG photos in the SFM Panel in the Tools section, and click on Start SFM....
Things you'll need: Image editing program (Photoshop, Gimp, Clipstudio, etc.) Koikatsu 3.x+ with HF patch addon: pmxexporter (included in the guide) Blender 2.8x+ addons: CATs tools, Abnormal [vertex normal editing], Blender Source Tools Preparing to export the model: 1.Install the pmx...
1、blender设置 将blender下载好打开先调整中文 File--User preferences--system--勾选international fonts--选择三项--调整语言 点击插件--下方的install addon添加插件 选择下载好的blender_source_tools_2.10.2.zip这个文件 点击左侧--用户--勾选加载好的插件--下方保存用户设置--右上叉叉关闭 在这里插入图片描述 ...
In the offset chance that the model's scaling should change, there's no need to re-import the DMX into Blender just to scale it up; it's simpler to change it here. Make sure this command comes before other commands or else they will not be scaled.Inkling and gear scale is 4. NPC...
A port ofcrute'sMayo Jar Blender modelto SFM2. Ported as it was CC0 and HL Alyx's bread looked rather dry without some mayo. Installation instructions: Extract the content of the archive into your Half-Life Alyx\game\hlvr_addons\ currentaddon folder ...