费恩利证券分析师Fredrik Dybwad首予$SFL Corp(SFL.US)$买入评级,目标价13美元。根据TipRanks数据显示,该分析师近一年总胜率为16.7%,总平均回报率为-12.9%。提示: TipRanks为独立第三方,提供金融分析师的分析数据,并计算分析师推荐的平均回报率和胜率。提供的信息并非投资建议,仅供参考。本文不对评级数据和报告的完...
很多投资者仍在学习有用的各种指标,以分析股票。本文是给那些想要学习ROE的人。我们将使用roe。 Simply Wall St11/30 20:48 SFL股票评级从持有调升至买入,来自Fearnleys SFL被提升为买入,之前为持有 道琼斯11/21 20:25· 评级/大行评级 sfl corp 分析师评级 ...
$SFL There's no point in owning this trash stock because if any of the 3 sectors it serves goes down on a given day then this goes down. So when dry bulk was dropping but containers were doing well it dropped. And now that dry bulk is doing well and containers are dropping this sti...
SFL Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced -35.05% SFL Corporation Ltd. price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents SFL Corporation Ltd. price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 ...
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Bid Price and Ask Price The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. ...
SFL Corp Ltd(SFL)公告一览 代码名称相关链接最新价涨跌额涨跌幅振幅成交量(股)成交额(美元)市盈率 SFL SFL Corp Ltd 行情 F10 股吧 - - - - - - -美股F10 核心必读 公司概况 财务分析 股本股东 分红派息 主营构成 高管研究 资产负债表 综合损益表 现金流量表 董事及股东权益 机构明细...
Fearnleys:上调SFL Corp(SFL.US)评级,由持有调整至买入评级, 目标价13.00美元。 SFL Corp(SFL.US)公司简介:SFL Corp Ltd 是一家国际船舶自有和租赁公司。该公司主要从事船舶和近海相关资产的所有权和运营,还参与租赁,购买和出售资产。 其油轮,化学品油轮和成品油轮均为双壳船。
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