顺丰香港 SFHK APP 提供下单寄件、查件、清关服务、二维码签收、在线客服等多项功能,您可在APP内即时收取最新消息。并于APP内会员页面登记成为会员,便可在使用顺丰服务同时赚取积分,兑换礼品,享受专属礼遇! 一APP在手,收寄无忧! 立即下载顺丰香港 SFHK APP,享受更便捷的寄件体验! 如有任何査询,请致电 (852) 2...
Click hereto download SFHK APP now. For further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2730 0273 (Hong Kong) or (853) 2873 7373 (Macau).
Download SFHK APP for all in one user experience, including shipping, tracking, handling customs declaration, getting to know SFHK’s latest news, etc. You may also register as member to earn points and enjoy exclusive rewards! Click hereto download SFHK APP now. Click herefor details of SF...
顺丰香港 SFHK APP 提供更方便快捷的下单方法,让您无须手执扫码运单,亦可完成寄件下单程序;透过地址簿功能记录常用收寄件人信息,寄件下单从此变得更轻松简单! 立即下载顺丰香港SFHK APP享受更便捷的寄件体验。 按此查阅顺丰香港 SFHK APP寄件步骤。 如有任何査询,请致电 (852) 2730 0273(香港)或 (853) 2873...
立即下載順豐香港 SFHK APP 體驗消息推送功能。 按此查閲開啓消息推送功能步驟。 如有任何査詢,請致電 (852) 2730 0273(香港)或 (853) 2873 7373(澳門)與我們的客戶服務代表聯絡。
SFHK flexibly utilizes the resource of its self-operated network points to provide「SF Restock」service. Whether it is a small quantity of restocking or a large batch of goods delivery, we can easily handle it and effectively improve distribution efficiency and reduce warehousing, transportation, an...
赚积分:进入「个人中心」绑定电邮地址及设置密码,即可赚赠300会员积分 立即下载顺丰香港SFHK APP,并设置密码,享受便捷体验! 须受有关条款及细则约束。 如有任何査询,欢迎致电(852)2730 0273(香港);WhatsApp (852) 5232 3333;Facebook Messenger 顺丰速运-香港;微信:SF_Express-HK联络我们。
赚积分:进入「个人中心」绑定电邮地址及设置密码,即可赚赠300会员积分 立即下载顺丰香港SFHK APP,并设置密码,享受便捷体验! 须受有关条款及细则约束。 如有任何査询,欢迎致电(852)2730 0273(香港);WhatsApp (852) 5232 3333;Facebook Messenger 顺丰速运-香港;微信:SF_Express-HK联络我们。
SFHK APP has been launched on App Store and Google Play! Through SFHK APP, you can place and check orders on your mobile phone anytime and anywhere. Moreover, you can track the progress of the shipments and pre-select the delivery time and pickup method within a specified time to ease...
立即下载顺丰香港 SFHK APP 体验消息推送功能。 按此查阅开启消息推送功能步骤。 如有任何査询,请致电 (852) 2730 0273(香港)或 (853) 2873 7373(澳门)与我们的客户服务代表联络。