5 mol.% MgO doped PPLN for Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of UV to Mid-IR light from a laser source between 780-5000nm infrared wavelengths. 5 mol.% MgO doped PPLN for sum-frequency generation (SFG) of blue to red light from the conventional laser sources such as Yb/Er fiber laser...
WDM Filter Module WDM Coupler Module It is common to couple two very different wavelengths into the same light path in nonlinear frequency mixing applications, such as in SFG/DFG or OPA . However, solution for coupling two very different wavelengths into the same optical fiber might not be avai...
Covesion的服务范围广泛,从标准产品到定制设计,覆盖近紫外线到中红外波长的生产,并提供包括SHG, SFG, DFG, OPA, SPDC等多种解决方案。#PPLN晶体 #周期极化铌酸锂晶体 #PPLN波导 #光纤耦合PPLN模块 #波长转换 43 9 2 分享 举报发布时间:2024-05-13 14:28...
HC Photonics Corp. - PPLN, PPLT, MgO:PPLN, PPMgO:LN, SHG, SFG, DFG, SPDC, MIR OPO, PPLN Waveguide, ridge waveguide, wavelength conversion, frequency doubling, mixers, doubler, module Full-spectrum MgO doped periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN) chip
SFG and SHG in a dual-wavelength Nd:YAG laser systemSum frequency generationSecond harmonic generationDual-wavelengthPassively Q-switched
Theoretical analysis suggests that the increase in spectral channel count is attributed to the SHG-SFG hybrid processes. Additionally, each nonlinear process operates independently without competition under small-signal approximation, validated through temperature variations. This research not only elucidates ...
Here, we review traditional and current applications, as well as the prospects of long-known but unexplored SHG/SFG imaging techniques in biophysics, with special focus on their use in the biophysical characterization of the plasma membrane.