需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) [通信标准] QSFP28 SFF-8636_R2.10a-运营商.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 PUBLISHED SFF-8636 Rev 2.10a SFF-8636 Specification for Management Interface for 4-lane Modules and Cables Rev 2.10a September 24, 2019 SECRETARI...
SFF-8636-QSFP28-Specification-for-Management-Interface-for-Cabled-Environments-Rev29 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Published SFF-8636 Rev 2.9 Management Interface for Cabled Environments Page 1 SFF specifications are available at http://www.snia.org/sff/specifications or ftp://ftp.seagate.com/sff SFF-...
厂商型号 SFF-8636 功能描述 100m Parallel MMF 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver 文件大小 344.98 Kbytes 页面数量 7页 生产厂商Finisar Corporation. 企业简称 Finisar 中文名称 Finisar Corporation.官网 原厂标识 数据手册 下载地址一下载地址二到原厂下载 ...
100G QSFP28光模块的DDM接口协议标准,不再支持SFF8472协议了。 光通讯 光模块 SFF-8636协议 下载并关注上传者 开通VIP,低至0.08元下载/次 下载资料需要登录,并消耗一定积分。评论(4) 发评论 Hanlin314 2018-07-23 0 回复 举报 收集資料,謝謝分享 humi 2018-03-23 0 回复 举报 很赞 全部...
- Added functionality for QSFP28 (4x25G, 4x28G) transceivers per the requirements of 100GE, EDR Infiniband and 128GFC Fibre Channel. Tables 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 29, 29A, 32A, 36, 37, 41 and section 6.2.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.12, 6.3.27. ...
- Added functionality for QSFP28 (4x25G, 4x28G) transceivers per the requirements of 100GE, EDR Infiniband and 128GFC Fibre Channel. Tables 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 29, 29A, 32A, 36, 37, 41 and section 6.2.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.12, 6.3.27. ...
SFF QSFP QSFP28 SFP 光模块2019-11-27 上传大小:1289KB 所需:42积分/C币 SFF-8436_R4.9.pdf 8436 协议4.9版本,其中包含详细得协议、硬件接口、模块尺寸,用于40G 光模块得协议开发。Protocol 8436 version 4.9, including detailed protocol, hardware interface, module size, for the development of 40G optica...
SFF-8679_QSFP28 4X Base Electrical Specification, This specification defines the contact pads, the electrical (copper), the power supply, the ESD and the thermal characteristics of the pluggable QSFP10/14/28 Module/Direct Attach cable plug and connector. ...
- Figure 1-1 updated to reference SFF-8665 (QSFP28) - 2.1 Industry Documents - added SFF-8665 - Table 5-3 updated to include Bytes 93, 98, 99 and 107 - Table 5-6 updated to include sub-headings with page numbers and to add Bytes 94- ...
SFF-8636 QSFP28 This specification defines a common management interface for 4-lane pluggable transceiver modules, direct attach modules and shielded cable assemblies. Physical layer and mechanical details of the connector interface are outside the scope of this document. ...