SFF-8054 INF-8077i 格式:PDF 页数:206 上传日期:2019-02-17 16:28:13 浏览次数:229 下载积分:1000 加入阅读清单 0% 还剩205 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 HN_999 分享于 2019-02-17 请拖动滑块继续阅读 不看了,直接下载阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 25 p. SFF-8086 2 p. SFF15...
XFP-INF-8077i 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module 上传者:u014786544时间:2014-04-18 Xshell_5.0.1339+Xftp_5.0.1235整合绿色便携版 Xshell - 完全免费强大的 SSH 客户端 ,支持多种远程协议,提供了很多功能与高级性能,中文界面也让你轻松管理远程服务器。 Xshell 的 Screen 会话不闪屏,而且可回滚...
10G以太网参考SFF-8431。由于有可能将QSFP +模块插入到按照INF-8438i设计用于QSFP接口的主机中,模块输入的损坏阈值应至少为1600 mV峰间差分值。 输出抑制(以下简称Tx抑制),输入信号丢失(以下简称Tx LOS)为可选功能。实现时,其功能如下。在差分情况下,任何通道上的峰间电信号小于50mvpp,则该通道的发射机光输出将...
(Small Formfactor Pluggable) 1 Gbs Transceiver SFF-8075 SFP Cage 10 Gbs 2X: PCI Card Version SFF-8076 C SFP Additional IDs INF-8077i XFP 10 Gbs 1X Pluggable Module SFF-8078 C XFP-E Pluggable Module SFF-8079 SFP Rate and Application Selection SFF-8080 E ATAPI for CD-Recordable Media ...
(Small Formfactor Pluggable) transceiver rate and application select functionality. Documents INF-8074 and SFF-8472 reference RateSelect as a two state (rate high and rate low) optional hardware and/or software input to an SFP transceiver. RateSelect, as conceived in these two documents, allows ...
INF-8074i - SFP (Small Form Factor) Transceiver (ftp://ftp.seagate/sff/) INF-8077i - 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP MSA) (ftp://ftp.seagate/sff/) FC-PI-4 - Fibre Channel - Physical Interface-4 (FC-PI-4) ...
INF-8077i - 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP MSA) (ftp://ftp.seagate/sff/) FC-PI-4 - Fibre Channel - Physical Interface-4 10GFC - Fibre Channel - 10 Gigabit FC-MJSQ - Methodologies for Jitter and Signal Quality Specifications FC INCITS Project 1316-DT Rev 14.1, June...
INF-8077 XFP 1X 10 Gb/s Pluggable Module SFF-8081 SFP+ 1X 16 Gb/s Pluggable Transceiver Solution (SFP16) SFF-8083 SFP+ 1X 10 Gb/s Pluggable Transceiver Solution (SFP10) SFF-8084 SFP+ 1X 4 Gb/s Pluggable Transceiver Solution
(/sff/) INF-8074i - SFP (Small Form Factor) Transceiver (/sff/) 6 INF-8077i - 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable Module (XFP MSA) (/sff/) 7 FC-PI-4 - Fibre Channel - Physical Interface-4 (FC-PI-4) 10GFC - Fibre Channel - 10 Gigabit (10GFC) 8 FC-MJSQ - Methodologies...