15.1、RTS结构 RTS由RTS文本和五个独立的附件组成,其中包含标准化的披露模板,FMP必须根据第SFDR第4条和SFD第8条至11条使用这些模板来进行披露。 RTS文本(以及附件1、2、3、4、5)规定了要披露的信息的确切内容、方法和展示,目的是提高报告的质量和可比性,以及解决洗绿问题。 具体而言,RTS定义了满足金融产品制造商...
截至目前,欧盟出台的可持续金融披露规定(SFDR)及其监管技术标准(RTS)可谓是解决“漂绿”的问题之路上的一道里程碑。 监管技术标准(RTS)确认发布 可持续金融披露规定(SFDR)于2021年3月正式生效,欧洲监管机构(ESA)还于2021年2月发布了SFDR的监管技术标准(RTS)。RTS主要规定了投资公司及其产品和服务在SFDR规定下的金融...
确实,SFDR的第二阶段,即RTS(Regulatory Technical Standards),构建在第一阶段的基础之上,提供了更详细和具体的披露要求。第一阶段主要是建立了基本的ESG披露框架,对金融市场参与者和金融产品要求进行了一般性的规范。这包括要求企业在其策略、政策以及业务行为中考虑ESG因素,并对这些信息进行披露。 RTS的引入,是对这些...
其中,RTS针对「第九条」基金的ESG策略和披露要求远高于「第八条」基金。 为此,在监管升级之前,资管机构开始对相关基金的分类进行审查,并主动将基金类别从「第九条」降级为「第八条」。 晨星(Morningstar)对欧盟「第八条」和「第九条」基金市场情况(2022Q4)进行了统计。
The SFDR RTS will apply from 1 January 2023 to financial market participants, which includes non-European fund managers that are marketing their funds in the EEA via the National Private Placement Regime ("NPPR").
The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and its related Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS), which are intended to promote environmentally and socially conscious investment in companies, were set to take effect on March 10, 2021. With guidelines to be implemented by financial ...
The ESAs have also taken the opportunity to propose adjustments to other sections of the SFDR RTS. The CP notes the Commission’s concern that transparency and comparability on the sustainability impact of financial products is not keeping pace with an increased demand for...
Enhanced Disclosure on Sustainable Investments: The updated RTS proposes improved disclosures on how sustainable investments comply with the “Do Not Significantly Harm” (DNSH) principle. This ensures that investments not only contribute positively to sustainability goals but also avoid significant harm to...