by codifying the SFC’s current practices, has brought about increased clarity and confidence in interpreting the Takeovers Code. Additionally, the SFC has seized this opportunity to introduce environmentally conscious initiatives, which pa...
2023 a64 (Mar 2023) Public criticism of Cheung Chi Shing for breaching the Takeovers Code New Practice Note 25 Retirement of Mr Stephen Clark from the Panel Appointments and reappointments to takeovers-related committees Quarterly update on the activities of the Takeovers Team编辑...
The SFC generally permits offerors to obtain irrevocable commitments from shareholders as to acceptance (or non-acceptance) of an offer, or on voting on resolutions relating to an offer, provided that they follow Note 4 to the Takeovers Code’s Rules 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and Practice N...
Relevant accounting terminology used in the Schedules to the Codes is proposed to be brought into line with the latest accounting standards and to be conformed to certain amended requirements of the Listing Rules. [1]Note 1 to Rule 26 of the Takeovers Code. [2]as per Practice Note 20...
avoiding or contravening any of the market misconduct provisions or disclosure obligations or other laws, rules and regulations, such as the Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs and the Listing Rules; conducting unlicensed regulated activities; or ...
have experience in supervising one completed transaction subject to the Hong Kong Takeovers Code; have been a member of the Hong Kong Takeovers and Mergers Panel (but note there is no current requirement for the minimum period that a member should serve on the Panel); or ...