当CHKDSK扫描你的硬盘和SFC扫描你的系统文件时,DISM会检测并修复Windows系统镜像组件存储中的损坏文件,以便SFC可以正常工作。它还可以帮助你解决可能遇到的Windows更新、驱动集成和启动问题。 在运行DISM之前,为防止发生意外,创建你的数据备份。 与CHKDSK和SFC一样,你需要打开一个提高权限的命令提示符(或Windows 11的管理...
日志文件支持:从 Windows 8 开始,SFC 工具支持将修复过程记录到日志文件中(/offlogfile),这有助于系统管理员或用户追踪修复过程。 综上所述,随着 Windows 版本的升级,SFC 工具的功能逐渐增强,尤其是在支持脱机修复、日志记录、以及与其他系统修复工具(如 DISM)的集成方面。这使得系统文件的修复过程变得更加高效和自...
@echooffechoStarting system file check...REM 运行系统文件检查sfc /scannowREM 检查SFC命令的返回值if%errorlevel%neq0(echoSystem file check found errors. Starting repair...REM 使用DISM工具修复Windows映像dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealthREM 检查DISM命令的返回值if%errorlevel%equ0(echoRepair com...
5) dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth 6) sfc /scannow 7) chkdsk /scanWhen these have completed > right click on the top bar or title bar of the administrative command prompt box > left click on edit then select all > right click on the top bar again > left click on edit th...
你可以先尝试使用DISM来修复,然后再运行SFC。 在管理员命令提示符中,输入以下命令并按回车: text DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth 完成后,再次运行sfc /scannow。 检查磁盘错误: 有时候,磁盘错误也可能导致SFC工具无法正常工作。你可以使用chkdsk命令来检查并修复磁盘错误。 在管理员命令提示符中...
The second tool of SFC /Scannow, DISM.Exe, CHKDSK Windows 10 or 11 is DISM. Whenever you come across flaws like BSOD or applications crashing, it refers to the corruption of files. Under those circumstances, two functions can settle down the mess and one you regularly use is SFC command....
✎ Run chkdsk command Step 1.Open cmd and run as administrator. Type username and password if it prompts. Step 2.Typechkdsk C: /rin the command prompt window and hitEnter. TypeYand hitEnterif it tells you that this volume is in use. ...
Typechkdsk /fand press Enter. When prompted to check the partition during the next restart, typeYand pressEnter. Restart your computer and check if the SFC issue is resolved. Use System Restore A system restore point allows you to revert your computer to a previous state, undoing recent syst...
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth CHKDSK(Check Disk) CHKDSK 用于检查和修复磁盘上的文件系统错误和坏扇区。 检查并修复磁盘错误 shellCopy Code chkdsk C: /f /r /f:修复磁盘错误。 /r:定位坏扇区并恢复可读信息。 MSConfig(系统配置实用程序) ...
As with CHKDSK and SFC, you'll need to open an elevated Command Prompt (or Administrator Terminal Window on Windows 11) to run DISM. To save you the time and risk of performing repairs unnecessarily, you can first check if the image is corrupted without making any changes. Type the follow...