BC Browncoats/Star Trek Vancouver/Doctor Who Meetup Group/Vancouver Stargate Fan Club/Before Dawn.—Keith Lim 17 April 2010: Doctor Who Meetup Group Welcomes 11 to Space Channel, 5:30 PM, La Fontana Caffe, 3701 Hastings (at Boundary), Burnaby. Space Channel is premiering the new season of...
However, extracting features in high-dimensional space may bring undesired consequences, such as fusing irrelevant features and insufficient distinguishing of features. Deep learning is often used in feature extraction, which can not only learn the intrinsic laws of sample data, but also significantly ...
—— 在她的作品 “Power On Conference ID” 中,Martyna 为一场以科技与创新为主题的会议设计了完整的品牌视觉识别系统。整个设计以大胆的几何形状和强烈的色彩对比为特色,明亮的蓝色、绿色和黄色成为主色调,充满能量与动感。这些色彩和几何元素的运用,不仅凸显了会议“Power On”这一主题所传递的科技创新与力量,...