Ferrari’s battery warranty program does little to alleviate the issue because of the cost. They shouldn’t make this a profit center (or it should be a loss leader) if they want to strengthen resale. The high price was a really dumb move. Strong resale prices strengthen sales. It’s wh...
But Ferrari muddied the waters by branding theslightly lighter, more powerful version of the SF90 Stradaleas an ‘XX’. For a kick off, it’s road legal. It has stickier (but not slick) tyres. It has a radio and a nose-lift mechanism. And instead of only building maybe 20 or 30 c...
IMO - the SF90AF will be the 360 Challenge Stradale or Scud in a decade or two or 16m is Spider, regardlesss of what is todays view - my thought. is it's the best car of it's era. The XX will be in it's own world - of course depending if Ferrari and I don't think the...
Their tech is terrible, unusable and dangerous for drivers. There are reasons they have passenger screens. The passenger screen almost cost me my marriage. My wife knew exactly how fast I was going. Couldn’t BS her! Lol Caeruleus11, Gh21631 and Thecadster like this. Gh2...