A GitLab repo has been set up by kobil for the work on modifying the stock firmware; additionally, a GitHub repo has been set up by adcockm for the code changes for the individual cores, and you can download the experimental alpha build from the "Releases" page there. If you want to...
Thank you to Zerter and Kev for the SF2000 Collection, a great place to customize your Froggy: https://zerter555.github.io/sf2000-collection/ Thank you to the Retro Handhelds Discord: https://discord.gg/retrohandhelds About Welcome to the Datafrog SF2000 Vanilla OS project. This repository...
2022 年,仅 GitHub 就贡献了 4.13 亿个开源软件 。「开源软件是世界上 99% 软件的基础,」GitHub 开发者关系副总裁 Martin Woodward 曾表示。 开源当然有很多好处。提供快速灵活的工作环境,支持世界各地开发人员的协作,带来无穷创新。 不过,开源代码越来越多地被用于关键软件,也为新的漏洞和恶意攻击打开大门。 Synop...
Thank you also to Von Millhausen for his excellent repository of information on the SF2000, which can be found here:https://github.com/vonmillhausen/sf2000 Contact If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue on this repository. ...
A GitLab repo has been set up by kobil for the work on modifying the stock firmware; additionally, a GitHub repo has been set up by adcockm for the code changes for the individual cores, and you can download the experimental alpha build from the "Releases" page there. If you want to...