20pt及以上,会自动使用display,而以下则调用text 今天,我在Figma中测试的实际结果已经是这样了: SF Pro、SF Pro Display、SF Pro Text 三个字体在16-26号下的对比。 可以看到,黑色的 SF Pro 在16号的时候,是与SF Pro Text 重合的,字体越大,SF Pro就越与SF Pro Display 重合。这已经是一个逐渐变化的过程...
This simple collection contains all thedynamic type sizesfor SF Pro Display in 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Semibold, and Bold. The purpose of this is to provide a singular set of type sizes for SF Pro Display that matches the font sizes used in an iOS app. You must download theSan Fran...
SF Pro Display SF Pro SF Pro Rounded A Post 6 comments Eduvieoghene@eduvieoghene · 1 year ago I have managed to install the SF font on windows but it's still not in Figma Serhii Hubernachuk@sorational · 2 years ago I have managed to install the SF font on windows but it's ...
If you're using Figma in the browser, looks like you need to install the Figma Font Helper. If you're using the Figma desktop app, you should be able to see local fonts by default. This worked for me, although I had to restart Figma if I installed a font while it was open. 0 ...
In the last few months I've experienced a bug with the font SF Pro Display whereby whenever I preview an interface on my phone through the Xd Mobile App, the position of the text does not correspond to what I set on my computer. In my specific case the mob...
I've been losing countless hours of work trying to create a variable-width SF Symbol that supports interpolation, no dice. Both Sketch and Figma output SVGs that are not interpolatable. After numerous hours of research, I believe it's due to the fact that when outlining strokes, these edi...
本篇就从我们常用的设计软件(sketch、Figma、P hotoshop)字符面板开始,来聊聊有关字体与排版应用方面的知识。 字体的那些属性 Font 中文翻译为「字型」,是指字的粗细、宽度和样式,是一套具有同样风格和尺寸的字形。例如「Regular_16pt_SF-UI」。 Typeface 中文翻译为「字体」,是指一整套的字形,一个或多个字型...
Dynamic Type Collection This simple collection contains all the dynamic type sizes for SF Pro in 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Semibold, and Bold. The purpose of this is to provide a singular set of type sizes for SF Pro that matches the font sizes used
Typography using the San Francisco font family and the PingFang font family 专为模拟 Apple 设备下中英文混排效果而生,一键修改混排文本中的中英字体与 Tracking。默认设置下,中文字符会被设置为 PingFang SC,英文字体会根据字号设置为 SF Pro Display / Text。可以修改设置选择其它 SF Pro 和 PingFang 家族的...
今天,我在Figma中测试的实际结果已经是这样了: SF Pro、SF Pro Display、SF Pro Text 三个字体在16-26号下的对比。 可以看到,黑色的 SF Pro 在16号的时候,是与SF Pro Text 重合的,字体越大,SF Pro就越与SF Pro Display 重合。这已经是一个逐渐变化的过程了。