Nextbus For SF Muni Metro May Not Be AccurateSan Francisco Municipal Transportation AgencySan Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
此代码存储从NextBus(用于AC Transit和SF Muni)和BART收集的静态公交数据(公交车站位置,公交路线,车辆类型等),并以通用格式存储该数据,以供Transporter iPhone应用程序使用。 它不存储到达信息(例如,N-犹大将在4分钟内到达Embarcadero站)。 Cron作业每天运行一次,以检查运输系统是否发生了更改,如果存在更改,则发送通知...
C’mon. You were reputably more reliable than Nextbus. What happened?! 更多 McDDA , 2022/11/19 Used by Muni Operator, my go to muni app. I’m a Muni Operator, and this app has been the best for me for over a year, as it has been uniquely useful to check on the buses ...
+Class registeration is smooth and easy +Smooth transition between categories +Muni schedule +Unofficial transcript view +Mapping (best for freshmen/transfers) +Updates around SFSU -NEED credit/no credit option! Option: -Airprint ability -SFSU Gator news (with notification)...
SAN FRANCISCO-City officials on Friday announced the return of subway rail service along San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's K-Ingleside and N-Judah lines beginning next month. On May 15, Muni will fully reopen the two lines after having halted all underground service bac...
candidate. We still to this day don’t know fully where he stands politically or what his policy goals will really turn out to be. There most definitely will be harm coming to America, but even if this is minimized, what possible chance is there of a return to normalcy in the next ...
Offers In-App Purchases iPhone Screenshots Description A simple, but straightforward, location based application that identifies San Francisco bus stops with next bus predictions. Location can be determined by location services, or by your own map navigation. View bus routes, save favorite stops, and...
Today’s trolley buses can run several miles off-wire, equipped with a powerful battery, which is helpful to maneuver around street construction or an emergency. Kirschbaum noted the agency has four next-generation versions ready for testing. These have a bigger battery to all...
Letterform Archive’s next in-house exhibition is Strikethrough: Typographic Messages of Protest. In this sneak peek of the show, before it opens on July 23, co- curator Stephen Coles will present some highlights of special interest to Art Book Fair attendees: independent publications. From Fire...
SAN FRANCISCO -- New cannabis store applications will not be permitted in San Francisco for the next four-and-a-half years, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday. Supervisors unanimously passed a moratorium on accepting new permit applications for potential pot store...