San Francisco is home to several professional and semi-pro sports teams. The most popular ones that play within the city limits are theSF GiantsMLB baseball team and theGolden State WarriorsNBA basketball team. Just a short drive or train away, you will find the 49ers NFL football team and ...
-- “Oil industry strikes back,’’ by SacBee’s Dan Morain:“Led by $5.2 million from Chevron, four oil giants have amassed no less than $9.9 million since January 2015 to be spent on this year’s legislative races. In the same peri...
Nothing else is happening. Nada. Zilch. For all we know, they’re just great big moon-sized animals going system to system, chowing down on gas giants. Wake me up when the Jupiter Peace Mission gets there and tries to make contact. Maybe something’ll happen then. But that’s it. Eve...