College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 104 Ocean Admin Building, Corvallis, 97331–5503, Oregon, USA M. E. Torres Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Am Handelshafen 12, Bremerhaven, 27570, Germany I. Bussmann & E. Damm Contribu...
If you are requested to enter an access code, enter the access code and then click [OK]. The default access code is Admin. 7. On the [Paper Input] tab, select the paper type and paper size, and then click [OK]. 8. Click [Close]. Specifying a Custom Paper Size 1. On ...
CODE EXAMPLE 12-2 ID Information to Enter Manually CODE EXAMPLE B-1 Locating the Port 80 Value in httpd.conf CODE EXAMPLE B-2 Locating the ServerAdmin Value in httpd.conf CODE EXAMPLE B-3 Locating the ServerName Value in httpd.conf ...
系统默认帐号:admin 密码:888888 企业办公管理系统 这个源码不错,自定义了很多类,适合学习。 企业电话语音录音管理系统主要功能:采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。系统可以进行来电显示和来电接听等功能。提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。提供客户管理功能,...
The permission group derives its members from category Job Code and category Country / Region. Maintenance can be done in the Admin Center via Manage Permission Groups. All members of the SFCC HR Administrator(EC) dynamic permission group must be members of the SFCC_HR_Admins_ workflow group....
Chapter 2 System Controller Navigation Procedures 35 w To Enter the Domain Shell From the Domain Console 1. Press and hold the CTRL key while pressing the ] key to get to the telnet> prompt (CODE EXAMPLE 2-5). 2. Type send break at the telnet prompt. CODE EXAMPLE 2-5 Obtaining a ...
Remember the default username is admin and the password box is left blank. If you have changed this, enter the current username/password. 2. Click the Modify button. 3. Change the address in the box next to GPIB Address. Astronics Test Systems Getting Started 2-11 1256L User Manual ...
Note If the Service account does not already exist in the SQL Server and the Configuration account has securityadmin server privileges, a new account is created. 6. Summary — A summary of the settings displays with details of pending actions, such as create a database with a specific name ...
56º Congresso da SOBER – Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Administração e Sociologia. 29 de julho a 1 de agosto de 2018 – UNICAMP. Page | 16 Brazil, which will only further the importance of the domestic ethanol market for Brazil's sugarcane industry. The sector is placing all ...
The code deals with the most important situations that could give rise to legal or ethi- cal problems but must not be seen as being exclusive. Wärtsilä takes an active ap- proach to the application of this code and promotes its implementa- tion through effective communica- tion of its...