(2011). Psychometric evaluation of the SF-36 (v.2) questionnaire in a probability sample of household: Results of the survey Pesquisa Dimensoes Sociais das Desigualdades (PDSD), Brazil, 2008. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 9(1), 61.Laguardia J, Campos MR, Travassos CM, Najar AL...
From its development to 2011, more than 16,000 articles were published using the SF-36. SF-36 is also known as the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire. Description Development Ware and colleagues (Stewart & Ware, 1992; Ware, 1988, 1990) developed the SF-36 from the Medical Outcomes ...
SF-36v2量表在高原移居人群生活质量评价中的信效度检验 唐中伟;刘春;官立彬;黄庆愿;高钰琪 【摘要】Objective To evaluate the validity and reliability of simplified Chinese SF-36v2 questionnaire for assessment of life quality of people immigrating to high altitude at different time periods.Methods Two ...
一36v2scaleinassessingthequalityof lifeofpatientswithatrialfibrillation.Mehtods Usingpurposivesamplingmethod,weenrolled86patientswhowereadmitted intotheDepartmentofCardiology ofagrade一3andfirst—classhospitalfrom JanuarytoSeptemberin2013.Theinclusion criteriawereage≥18,eunoiaandclearself—expression.Questionnaire...
Questionnaire surveys included general survey and SF-36(v.2) scale. Internal consistency reliability, binary reliability and construct validity were all analyzed as indicators to evaluate SF-36(v.2) scale. ResultsA total of 159 questionnaires were issued and 159 valid questionnaires were recovered. ...
Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Short Form Health Survey version-2.0 (SF-36v2) The SF-36 is a multidimensional questionnaire that assesses eight different aspects of health. It is generic by nature which means that it, as opposed to disease-specific measures, can be used to measure ...
(18 years and above; healthy; literate) of registered tuberculosis patients who came for contact tracing during March 2010 to February 2011 at the respiratory clinic of Penang General Hospital were invited to complete the SF-36v2 health survey using the official translation of the questionnaire in...
SF-36 questionnaire ( Thai version) [ J] . Rhinology, 2005, 43( 2) : 99- 103. [ 5] 董莉萍, 杨丽芬, 杜瑞红. SF-36量表用于甲亢患者生活质量测定 的信度与效度评价 [ J ]. 中国地方病防治杂志, 2008, 23( 1) : 20- 21, 24. [ 6] 张 磊, 黄久仪, 李良寿, 等. 西安地区军队老年人...
assessm ent in Thai p atientsw ith allergic rh inoconjunctivitis u sing the 效度是指量表在多大程度上反映它所测量的理 SF36 questionnaire ( Thai version) [ J ]. Rh inology, 2005 , 43 ( 2 ) : [ 7 - 8 ] 论性概念 ,本次研究结构效度采用主成分因子分 99 - 103. 析 ,根据 Kaiser提出...
The SF-6D was developed in two versions of SF-6Dv1 [12] and SF-6Dv2 [13] in 2002 and 2020, respectively, both derived from the SF-36 questionnaire. SF-6Dv1 has been extensively applied in cancer patient populations [14,15,16], valued for its vitality dimension that captures a criti...